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2023-04-03   Intermediate
Kindle v. iPad, Mac v. PC and App Development -Ⅱ


Steve: I was going to ask you, is this an overstatement, but my recollection is that before the iPod was Apple was kind of hurting, and if not for the iPod—maybe this is a ridiculous kind of ...

2023-04-02   British English
Cosmetic Treatment for Men


Business. Cosmetic treatment for men. Beauty and the beasts. More men are enduring jabs and cuts to look younger. IN GEORGES ROMAN'S clinic in London, women queue to see a cosmetic dermatologist...

商业 男士美容 美女和野兽 为了看上去年轻,越来越多的男士宁愿接受注射和整容 伦敦的乔治斯·罗曼的诊所外,女士们排着队来找这位在消除皱纹和眉间除皱方面着名的整容皮肤专家。啊呀,如今男士们也加入了进来。在过去的几年里,...

2023-04-01   Intermediate
Kindle v. iPad, Mac v. PC and App Development -Ⅰ


Steve: So Jason, I just spotted you with a Kindle. Snell: Yes, yes. I have a Kindle, I've had a Kindle for a little more than a year now and I'm still using it, even though there's ...

2023-03-17   British English
Consumer Goods in India -Ⅱ


Godrej is pushing even deeper into the hinterland, trying to reach villages with as few as 5,000 people. It is also designing washing machines with manual motors and tiny fridges for homes with unreli...

戈德尔正努力将生意扩展到那些只有5000人小村子的穷乡僻壤去。同时,它还为那些居住在电力不稳定地区的家庭设计了手动驱动的洗衣机以及微型电冰箱。 诸如三星、松下等外国企业也紧随其后。三星印度地区家用电器负责人麦海士·克里斯南希望在11月...

2023-03-15   British English
Consumer Goods in India -Ⅰ


Business. Consumer goods in India. Seducing shoppers in Sticks Ville. India's small towns are the next frontier. GROWTH in India is slowing. The economy expanded at an annualised rate of 5.3% be...

商业 印度的日用消费品 吸引小城市消费者 下一个前沿阵地:印度的小城市 印度的经济增长正在放缓。在一月到三月间,经济年均增长率为5.3%,是七年来的最低值。消费者越来越省吃俭用。管理层说,今年到三月间,耐用品的销量下降了1...

2023-02-27   British English
Libraries & E-books


Business. Libraries and e-books. Literary labours lent. The uncertain economics of lending virtual books. Like a tired marriage, the relationship between libraries and publishers has long been r...

商业 图书馆和电子书 文学劳动力已借出 难以预料的实体书借阅经济 就像是一个令人疲惫的婚姻,图书馆和出版商之间长期存在着无聊的关系。然而,电子书的出现引起了它们的心痛。图书馆知道,如果它们想保持自己存在的价值,就需要...

2023-02-19   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅱ


A tradition of public-private partnerships, which began with farmers forming co-operatives to improve production and marketing in the late 19th century, continues to flourish. An Agro Food Park nea...


2023-02-17   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅰ


Business. Schumpeter. Bringing home the bacon. Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower. Every weekday 20,000 pigs are delivered to the Danish Crown company's slaughterhouse in Horsens, in cen...

商业报道 熊彼特 将培根带回家 小国丹麦是农业超级霸主 在每一个工作日里,2万只猪将被送入丹麦科王公司位于丹麦中部的霍尔森斯的屠宰场中。他们受到持着巨型苍蝇拍的工人们驱赶,快步地跑进那令人震撼无比的房间中去。在那儿,他们被倒挂起...

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