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2023-09-17   British English
Bobby Kotick Helped the video-game Industry Grow up - Ⅱ


Each of these is a brand in its own right and has spawned numerous versions and sequels. This has led to criticism that Activision's approach is too dependent on exploiting and re-exploiting franchise...


2023-09-15   British English
Bobby Kotick Helped the Video-game Industry Grow up - Ⅰ


Business. Face value. Top of his game. Bobby Kotick of Activision Blizzard has helped the video-game industry grow up. Like many teenagers, Bobby Kotick was drawn to video games when they first ap...

商业 表面价值 游戏业的顶尖玩家 动视暴雪的鲍比·科蒂克带动了电子游戏的茁壮成长 和许多青少年一样,当电子游戏在 20 世纪 70 年代问世的时候,鲍比·科蒂克就深深地被它所吸引。 他有一台雅达利游戏机,带有厚重的插件卡带和块状...

2023-09-13   British English
A shareholder Stand-off in the German Black Forest


Business. German business. Screwdrivers drawn. A shareholder stand-off in the Black Forest. If you have ever struggled to assemble a flat-pack wardrobe, the chances are that its wooden pieces were...

商业 德国商业 拉锯战 山林地区股东的势均力敌之争 如果你组装过组合式衣柜,这些木质零部件可能是由豪迈公司机械化切割、钻孔及加工润饰的。位于德国山林区绍普夫洛赫的豪迈公司成立于1960年。德国有许多低知名度的世界顶级公司,他们是...

2023-09-09   British English
Two Germans Have a Mission to Clothe the Russian Middle Classes


Business. Selling clothes online in Russia. Fabric of society. Two Germans have a mission: to clothe the Russian middle classes. Online as well as offline, imitation is the sincerest form of fla...

商业 俄罗斯服装行业的电子商务 服装世界 两个德国人的使命:令俄罗斯中产阶层人士穿上他们卖的衣服 无论在线上或是线下,模仿是最真诚的恭维方式。 Vente-Privee,一间以法国女人可能喜欢深度打折的潮流服饰这一奇特的理念而起...

2023-09-07   British English
Top of the K-pops, Korean Musicians must Export or Starve


Business. South Korea's music industry. Top of the K-pops. Korean musicians must export or starve. PSY, also known as Park Jae-sang is having the time of his life. On August 12th at a stadium in S...

商业 韩国音乐产业 韩流顶端 韩国音乐家 音乐外销成唯一出路 PSY,原名朴载相,火了。8月12日,这位说唱明星在首尔一家体育馆内举行了演唱会,场面火爆万人空巷。他为30000名粉丝表演了近4个小时。不仅如此,新歌"江南styl...

2023-09-05   British English
Small Children are a Big Headache for the Social Network


Business. Facebook and the under-13s. Kid gloves. Small children are a big headache for the social network. One American in three aged 65 or older uses social networks, says a new report by the Pew...

商业 脸谱网和13岁以下的儿童 谨慎处理儿童问题 社交网络中的小孩是个大问题 美国智库皮尤研究中心在新发布的一份报告中指出,美国65岁及其以上的老年人中有三分之一使用社交网络。但如今制造状况的却是年纪轻轻的冲浪者,而非满头...

2023-09-03   British English
Two books Aalyse What Makes Hedge-fund Managers Great - Ⅱ


The promise of superior performance is wrong, he says. Of course some investors make a killing, but on average hedge funds have underperformed even risk-free Treasury bills. This is because the bulk o...


2023-09-01   British English
Two books Aalyse What Makes Hedge-fund Managers Great - Ⅰ


Business books quarterly. Book Review. The success of hedge funds. Masterclass. Two books analyse what makes hedge-fund managers great, and reach very different conclusions. The Alpha Masters: Unloc...

商业书籍 书评 对冲基金的成功 大师级 两本介绍对冲基金的成功之处的书 其结论大相径庭 阿尔法大师:揭秘世界顶尖对冲基金的智慧,曼尼特·阿胡贾着。 对冲基金的海市蜃楼:巨资的幻象及其难以置信的原因,西蒙·拉克着。 忘...

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