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2022-07-18   British English
The Effects of Start-ups on Employment may be Modest


A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin. The setting, sleek and hushed, says business. The trainers—red, puffy, and paired with a sports coat—add a wink: new business. ...

一名男士步入了奥斯汀市中心W酒店的会议室。那里的环境井然有序且安静,一派职场气象。但是男士脚穿的红色蓬松运动鞋和身上的运动外套却在这派气象上加上了一种特殊意味:新型商务。 “在这个国度的每个角落里,每个缝隙间,都蕴藏着疯狂惊人的新建公...

2022-07-04   British English
Maurice Lévy, Boss of One of the World’s Biggest Advertising Firms


“MAURICE is immortal,” says the chief executive of a French multinational. When told of his friend’s comment, Maurice Lévy, boss of Publicis, one of the world’s biggest advertising firms, is visibly f...


2022-06-22   British English
Some Companies are Combining Growth with Greenery


Green growth. Some emerging-world companies are combining growth with greenery. THE enrichment of previously poor countries is the most inspiring development of our time. It is also worrying. The ...

绿色增长 一些发展中国家的企业将环保事业与利润增长相结合 我们身处的这个时代最激动人心的进步乃是前贫穷国家的经济发展。而这令人忧虑。环境早已不堪重负。当全球总人口从今天的70亿上升至人口统计家所预估的2050年的93亿,并且越来...

2022-06-20   Pre-Intermediate
The Block Project and the Mascot Camp


Communities often depend on drawings and written documents to describe the changes they want to make to improve neighborhoods.But a nonprofit organization called Better Block shows the public a workin...

2022-06-14   British English
Where’s Britain’s Bill Gates


Entrepreneurship and technology. Where’s Britain’s Bill Gates? Britain’s government cannot conjure a technology giant out of thin air. But it can help. MEET the British Bill Gates. He studied com...

企业家精神和科技 英国的比尔·盖茨在哪? 英国的政府不能凭空变出个科技行业巨头.但是他们能营造出这种氛围. 让我们一起来与认识英国的比尔·盖茨。他原本在剑桥大学主修计算机科学专业—辍学来到学习附近的硅谷开始自己创业。然后他...

2022-06-06   British English
Cybercrime - Black Hats, Grey Hairs


Cybercrime. Black hats, grey hairs. A shake-up in the hacker underground and fresh attacks suggest change is coming to computer security. AN 18-YEAR-OLD with 16 computers in a small house in the ...

网络犯罪 黑客之伤:白了少年头 地下黑客组织受到打击,新式攻击预示着计算机安全将有所改变 在英国设德兰群岛上的一间小屋里,有一个十八岁的孩子守着十六台计算机,这就是警察搜寻到的LulzSec 的全球控制总部。这个名叫Lulzse...

2022-05-29   British English
Internet Companies - Attack of the Clones


Business. Internet companies. Attack of the clones. American web firms are battling foreign hordes that look remarkably similar. ON AUGUST 1st Airbnb, an online marketplace that helps people rent...

商业 互联网企业 克隆来袭 美国互联网企业正在抵抗大量海外相似企业来袭 8月1日,Airbnb,一家在线房屋租赁公司,承认他们错误地处理了一起客户投诉,这位客户的公寓被其中一名租客洗劫一空。公司的老板布莱恩·切斯基恳求客户的原谅...

2022-05-17   British English
Japan’s Preference for Hardware over Software is Fading


Innovation in Japan. Samurai go soft. Japan’s preference for hardware over software is fading. “A SAMURAI would never write software!” barked a senior executive at one of Japan’s biggest electron...

日本创新 日本武士走向没落 相对于计算机软件而言,日本偏爱计算机硬件,但这种偏爱正在消退。 “一个武士绝不会去编写软件!”一名任职于日本最大的电子企业的高级主管厉声说道,当时他正在一个晚宴上开怀畅饮。大部分日本人认同这个观...

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