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2024-01-09   Pre-Intermediate
Visual Pollution and Sao Paulo’s Advertising Ban, Part One


A man walks down the street. He sees a large bus. He sees a large sign on it. It says, “THE COKE SIDE OF LIFE!” He continues walking. He sees a large sign on the side of the road, a hoarding, a billbo...

一个男人走在街上。他看到一辆大公共汽车。他看到上面有一个大标志。上面写着,“生活的可乐一面!他继续走。他看到路边有一个大牌子、围板、广告牌。它似乎在对他大喊:“体验奢华:Imperial Leather。他看到一座长长的建筑。小而方形的海报...

2023-12-26   British English
Labor Shortages - Blue-collar Burnout


Business. Labor shortages -- Blue-collar burnout. Why so many workers are fleeing the hospitality sector. Restaurant and hotel bosses have had a tough year. Some 700,000 hospitality workers th...

商业 劳动力短缺——蓝领的职业倦怠 为什么这么多员工离开酒店行业 餐厅和酒店老板们度过了艰难的一年。在过去的一年中,平均每个月约有70万名酒店员工甩手辞职。与新冠之前的1690万人相比,酒吧、咖啡馆和餐馆的员工人数减少了130万...

2023-12-24   British English
Microsoft Places a $69bn Bet on the Future of Entertainments - Ⅱ


The deal may help Microsoft broaden its reach beyond consoles, says Julianne Harty of Newzoo. King, a mobile-focused unit of Activision Blizzard, boasts around 245m monthly players of its games, mo...


2023-12-22   British English
Microsoft Places a $69bn Bet on the Future of Entertainments -Ⅰ


Business. Video gaming - High score. Microsoft places a $69bn bet on the future of entertainments. Even for Microsoft, which boasts a market value of $2.3trn, $69bn is a lot of money. On Janua...

商业 电子游戏——高分 微软押注690亿美元于娱乐业的未来 即便是对市值高达2.3万亿美元的微软来说,690亿美元也是一笔不小的数目。1月18日,该公司表示将以现金形式向视频游戏开发公司动视暴雪支付这笔款项。这是迄今为止视频游戏...

2023-12-16   British English
Loneliness is a Widespread Problem with Complex Roots - Ⅱ


Perhaps this relates to human history. Mass urbanisation is a relatively recent development; if the history of human existence was squeezed into a single day, the Industrial Revolution did not occur u...

也许这与人类历史有关。大规模城市化是一个相对较新的发展;如果把人类存在的历史压缩为一天,那么工业革命直到午夜才发生。大部分时间里,人类都以狩猎采集者的身份生活在小群体中;城市可能会淹没人们的感官。 赫兹女士指出了两个最新的进展情况。首...

2023-12-14   British English
Loneliness is a Widespread Problem with Complex Roots - Ⅰ


Business. Bartleby. You’ll often walk alone. Loneliness is a widespread problem with complex roots. There has been a quiet pandemic developing while most people’s attention has been on covid-19. ...

商业 巴托比专栏——你常独行 孤独是一个普遍存在的问题,其根源很复杂 当大多数人的注意力都集中在新冠肺炎上时,一场悄无声息的流行病正在蔓延。封锁加剧了在许多发达国家蔓延了几十年的问题:孤独。这是一个复杂的问题,不仅涉及社会生活,...

2023-12-12   British English
The European Market is a Tough Terrain for Food Delivery Firms


Business. The gig-economy - How can we be heroes? The European market is a tough terrain for food delivery firms. Delivery Hero has had a good run in the past couple of years. In August 2020 i...

商业 零工经济 — 我们怎么能成为超人呢? 对食品外卖公司来说,欧洲是个艰难的市场。 Delivery Hero在过去的几年里经营得很好。2020年8月,它上升进入德国Dax指数,这是德国最有价值的上市公司的股票市场指数。它的业...

2023-11-10   British English
Average Joe - The Real Joe Biden, Part One


Books & arts. Johnson. Average Joe. The president-elect lacks a silver tongue and makes for poor TV. That may be an asset During the Obama years, the Onion, a satirical online newspaper, carri...

文艺板块 约翰逊专栏 普通人乔·拜登 这位当选总统没有流利的口才,电视表现也不佳。但这可能恰恰是他的可贵之处。 在奥巴马执政期间,讽刺性的网络报纸《洋葱报》刊登了一系列关于乔·拜登的文章,并在文中称他为“钻石乔”和“邪恶的...

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