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2022-12-23   British English
Universal's Musical Merger -Ⅰ


Business. The music business. Universal's gamble. A musical merger could create a new model, or a dozy mammoth. A WISE gamble involves knowing when to hold, when to fold and when to run, croons ...

商业 唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏 唱片行业的并购案可能会催生一种新的商业模式,抑或是一个行动迟缓的"庞然大物" 肯尼·罗杰斯在通过百代旗下的国会唱片公司发行的一首歌中,这样低声吟唱道:"聪明的牌手知道何时叫牌,他懂得扣牌的...

2022-12-21   British English
Time for Women to Stop Being Shrinking Violets at Work


Business. Women in management. A word from your sponsor. Time for women to stop being shrinking violets at work. "I DON'T know any successful women who haven't had a powerful sponsor in their orga...

商业 女性管理者 后台一句话的事 职场女性 从此不再畏首畏尾 "在一个组织里,对于女性而言,没有过硬的后台帮助她们完成人生的首次突破,还能够风生水起的,我实在是没见过,"阿维娃·维滕贝格-考克斯,性别顾问公司20-First总裁...

2022-12-13   British English
India's Flag Carrier was in Big Trouble


Business. Air India. Flying low. India's flag carrier is in big trouble. WELL-TO-DO Indian graduates used to line up to join Air India. The national carrier was founded in 1932 and nicknamed the...

商业 印度航空业 在低迷中飞行 印度国家航空公司有大麻烦了 印度的优秀毕业生曾经排着队要加入印度航空公司。这一国家航空公司成立于1932年,外号"大君 "。根据一位前任主管回忆,上世纪70年代,新加坡和马来西亚在创立自己国家的航...

2022-11-29   British English
‘Management in 10 Words’


Business books quarterly; Book Review; Terry Leahy's management; One to ten; Management in 10 Words. By Terry Leahy. Students of management theory have long debated what constitutes the worst kin...

商业书籍季刊 书评 特里·利亚的管理之道 听君一席话,胜读十年书 《管理真言》 作者:特里·利亚 管理学理论学界的学者们一直在对什么造就了最烂的那类管理学书籍的问题争论不休-首席执行官们的自传亦或是那些宣称能用寥寥数语揭...

2022-11-19   British English
Bernie Ecclestone - Ⅱ


Mr Ecclestone is a skilled dealmaker; but he has missed out on two areas of opportunity for the sport. The first of these is the internet. Formula One has barely begun to develop its business online. ...

埃克莱斯顿先生是个经验丰富的交易商,但他在这项运动的两个方面错失良机。第一个是网络;F1基本没有开发其商业网络,向电子游戏公司出售F1品牌商标和赛事相关内容的使用权可以带来大量的金钱收入,媲美网上投注。 第二则是尽管赞助商需要在这个世...

2022-11-17   British English
Bernie Ecclestone - Ⅰ


Business. Formula One. Flagged down. Can Formula One succeed without Bernie Ecclestone? BERNIE ECCLESTONE, the boss of the Formula One Group, rarely sticks around for the finish of a Grand Prix....

商业 一级方程式赛车 落马 没有了伯尼·埃克莱斯顿,F1能否继续传奇 F1的掌门人伯尼·埃克莱斯顿很少会在国际汽车大奖赛结束后逗留。这意在显示他是一个谨慎的商人。然而公众的对他上周一直没有出现在德国霍根海姆大奖赛一事依旧表示惊讶...

2022-11-11   British English
How Deep are Your Pockets


Business. Personalising online prices. How deep are your pockets? Businesses are offered software that spots which customers will pay more. IN MANY types of face-to-face retailing, it pays to si...

商业 个性化网购价 你的钱包有多鼓 能发现愿意多付钱客户的软件现可供企业使用 在许多面对面的零售过程中,揣测客户需求并对其进行针对性销售往往会得到应有的回报。根据2006年牛津大学凯瑟琳·格雷迪对纽约Fulton海鲜...

2022-11-01   British English
Cool Innovation


Business. Air conditioning. Cool innovation. An upstart hopes to make rival cooling companies sweat. ON A hot July day in 1902, the world's first air conditioner was switched on in Brooklyn. Sin...

商业 空调行业 酷创新 挑战者渴望把竞争对手逼出汗来 1902年的炎热7月,世界上第一台空调在布鲁克林区开始运转。自从那时起,空调就开始拯救生命、提高生产力,并且让夏天的南非更适于生活。时值110年后,批抨者们却很不满,因...

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