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2023-06-11   British English
Law Firms - Charging more, Getting less - Ⅰ


Business. Law firms. Charging more, getting less. Lawyers' biggest customers are discovering that they can haggle. There were groans in big companies' legal departments in the mid-2000s, when th...

商业 律师事务所 标价更高 收益更少 律师的最大客户们发现他们能与律师还价 当美国最高的律师酬金达到每小时1000美元,20世纪中期,一些大公司的法律部门里开始抱怨连连。自此以后,这样的价格在名企变得普遍。美国法律期刊刊登...

2023-06-05   British English
San Martineros, Cows can Defend Themselves Against Jaguars


The Americas. Protecting Wild Lives. Stand your ground beef. Cows that are good at self-defense are also good for jaguars. Ranchers in Colombia's Meta department can be vengeful folk. From tim...

美洲 保护野生动物 坚守立“场” 能自卫的牛也能抵御美洲豹 哥伦比亚梅塔省的农场主们有时候是群记仇的家伙。美洲豹时常从丛林深处冲出来,飞快地穿过大草原去袭击一群惊慌失措的牛。当这种情况发生的时候,农场主们会追捕这些入侵者并射杀它...

2023-05-30   British English
Digital Ads are Popping up in Irritating Places


Business. Advertising on mobile phones. Attack of the covert commercials. Digital ads are popping up in irritating places. Everyone hates digital ads. Yet the ads pay for the free apps that peop...

商业 手机广告 广告的偷袭 数字广告总是防不胜防 没人喜欢数字广告,但为人们喜欢下载的那些免费软件买单的却是数字广告。狡猾的公司将广告植入在意料之外的地方已经不足为奇了。Lookout,一个移动设备安全性检验的公司,分析了谷歌安...

2023-05-10   British English
Pet Waste, A Crap-shoot


United States. Pet waste. A crap-shoot. The city ponders a plan to make power from puppy poop. Dogs, unlike people, are capable of pure love—at least according to Freud. As ever more Americans ...

美国 宠物粪便 从粪便里发出的新芽 在宠物粪便中提取能源,该市构建了一幅蓝图 与人类不同,狗对主人的情感是纯洁无瑕的——至少弗洛伊德是这么说的。随着美国独居人数的增多,这种无条件的爱更是广受欢迎。数十年来,越来越多的人开始饲养宠...

2023-04-18   British English
Airbus Came to Alabama


Business. Airbus. Coming to America. Europe's big aircraft-maker is to open a factory in Alabama. THE red imported fire ant first entered America through the port of Mobile, Alabama, in the 1930...

商业 空中客车 杀入美国本土市场 欧洲飞机制造巨头将在阿拉巴马州建工厂 红色的火蚁作为外来物种,20世纪30年代首次从阿拉巴马州西南部港市莫比尔传入美国。它比大部分本土物种的侵略性大得多,迅速遍及全国。7月2号,空中客车宣布将在...

2023-04-12   British English
Is There Money in Digital Radio


Business. Clear Channel and radio broadcasting. Come stream with me. Is there money in digital radio? FRANK SINATRA knew he was getting a raw deal. He could sing but he was not much of a songwri...

商业 清晰频道通信公司与无线电广播 跟我去发展流式音频吧 数字广播有钱可赚吗? 弗兰克·辛纳特拉知道自己受到的待遇不公正。他歌唱得好,但写歌不在行;因此,虽然他大约300首单曲中的大部分在美国广播电台播放,他却从来没拿到过一分钱...

2023-04-10   British English
Electric Power - Slow Burners


Business. Electric power. Slow burners. Cheap gas will boost makers of giant turbines. THE boom in shale-gas production in America, using "fracking" technology, is becoming a bust for some big d...

商业 电力 天然气发电业逐渐升温 廉价天然气将促进大型涡轮机生产厂家的发展 由于"水力压裂"技术的使用,美国的页岩气开采迅速发展,但这却使一些大型钻井公司破产。 8月3日,必和必拓公司宣布美国部分气田预估值将减少近30亿美元,这...

2023-04-03   Intermediate
Kindle v. iPad, Mac v. PC and App Development -Ⅱ


Steve: I was going to ask you, is this an overstatement, but my recollection is that before the iPod was Apple was kind of hurting, and if not for the iPod—maybe this is a ridiculous kind of ...

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