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2021-11-29   Video
Cassini's Grand Finale


It’s the end of an era, more than a billion kilometers from Earth this week as the Cassini spacecraft plunges to its fiery death in the clouds of Saturn. I’m Mike Lemonick. Lee Billings: And I’m Le...

2021-11-27   Intermediate
Biological Networks


Hi Beth, how are you? Beth: I am good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am fine. Good to talk to you. So, you just returned recently from the annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolu...

2021-11-25   Video
Measuring Circadian Activity in Drosophila


So I now have an animation to give you a flavor for not only the emergence from the pupal case but actually the locomotor activities, which are also affected. So here's a fruit fly in a tube, and that...

2021-11-24   British English
The Climate May not be as Sensitive to Carbon Dioxide


Science and Technolgy 【Climate change】 Good news at last? 【The climate may not be as sensitive to carbon dioxide as previously believed】 CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful num...

科技 气候变化 最终难道是个好消息? 气候对二氧化碳的敏感性,可能没有原来认识的那样强 气候科学的复杂是出了名的,但"气候敏感度"是已知的一个非常实用、必须被谨记的指标。这一指标用于衡量由于大气中二氧化碳的浓度增长一...

2021-11-23   Intermediate
The Human-Computer Interface


Mark you, were telling me you had an interesting experience last week. Where were you? Alpert: Well I was at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory inside the Tevatron, which is a pretty unique thing ...

2021-11-23   Video
How a Salmonella Infection Begins


Nice motile salmonella screaming along here *sound effects of airplane* here she comes! Boom! Ok it’s got a type 3 secretion system, squirts in proteins, triggers major event -here she comes, and *gul...

2021-11-19   Video
Kidney Function


The kidney filters an enormous amount of plasma, and in so doing, it has become the central site for the regulation of the ionic composition of the body. All of the ions such as sodium, potassi...

2021-11-18   British English
The Science of Justice


Science and Technology 【The science of justice】 I think it's time we broke for lunch… 【Court rulings depend partly on when the judge last had a snack】 AROUND the world, courthouses are adorned w...

科技 司法的学问 该吃午餐了 法庭判决结果一定程度上取决于法官上一次吃点心的时间 世界各地的法院都装饰有一尊女子的雕像,这个女人被蒙住双眼,手持一架天平和一把剑。她是正义的化身。剑代表着法庭的权力,而天平代表着上诉人...

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