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2021-12-18   British English
Another Piece of Humanity's Family Tree is Fitted into Place


Science and Technology. Human evolution. You look familiar. Another piece of humanity's family tree is fitted into place. THE opening scene of Mel Brooks's film "History of the World: Part One" di...

科技 人类进化史 似曾相识 南方古猿sediba的发现填补了人类家族谱系的关键空白 梅尔·布鲁克斯执导的电影"世界史:序幕"开场仅用一句话就概括了人类起源:"类人猿直立起来,变成了人类。"要是古生物学家也能如此轻而易...

2021-12-17   Video
Mismatch Repair


There's a polymerase, a DNA polymerase, which copies both strands of the DNA, the top strand and the bottom strand. Sometimes those two strands are called Watson and Crick strands. But they're not per...

2021-12-15   Intermediate
The Teen Brain


Hi Leslie, how are you? Sabbagh: Hello Steve, I'm fine, thanks. How are you? Steve: I'm okay. So tell me about the teenager's brain; is it really different from an adult's brain? Sabbagh: The resea...

2021-12-15   Video
How Can Scientists Help Make Cities More Sustainable


You’ve heard the numbers: More than half of the world’s people now live in cities, and in just a few decades more than two thirds of the globe’s rapidly growing population will be urban. Because citie...

2021-12-14   British English
Psychology - How Dead is Dead


Science and Technology. Psychology. How dead is dead? Sometimes, those who have died seem more alive than those who have not. IN GENERAL, people are pretty good at differentiating between the quic...

科技 心理学 怎样死才算死? 有时,死人似乎比活人更"活"。通常,人们都比较擅长分辨生者与死者。然而,现代医学技术创造了第三个选项——永久性植物人状态。处于这种状态的人,其大脑因意外或中风而严重受损。这经常意味着他们没有希...

2021-12-13   Video
Ubiquitin and the Proteasome


So the little pink protein is ubiquitin and our yellow protein here is ataxin-1. For ubiquitin to be carried to proteins it needs a carrier, it's called the ubiquitin carrier enzyme. Once our ataxin h...

2021-12-11   Intermediate
The Status of Pluto


First up, George Musser and the entire universe. Steve: George, thanks for coming into my office here to explain this to me. George: Thanks for letting me fit into your office Steve. Steve: It's no...

2021-12-07   Video
Relative Sizes of Bacteria and Viruses


But you also know that viruses are sub-microscopic. They're exceedingly small. Let me give you some sense of the scale that we're talking about here in more human terms. Let's imagine that I am...

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