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2022-01-28   Video
How Do Tornadoes Form


Tornadoes occur in every continent, except Antarctica but more form over the central United States than anywhere else in a zone called Tornado Alley. That's because conditions in the Alley are ...

2022-01-27   Pre-Intermediate
The Researchers to Find Evidence Proving Yetis Exist


Today we tell about an appeal for genetic material from a famous creature that may not even exist.We report on the health of a manwho lived five thousand years ago.And we tell about the effect of chan...

2022-01-26   Video
Sickle Cell Disease


Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood. The disease gets its name from the shape of the red blood cells under certain conditions. S...

2022-01-24   Intermediate
Good News About Coffee


Hello Dr. Clemens. How are you today? Clemens: Good morning, Steve. Steve: Coffee for the last few years has really been getting a lot of good press compared to, you know, some negative press and so...

2022-01-22   Intermediate
Better Ways To Cut A Cake


Professor Jones—thanks for talking to us today. Jones: Good talking to you. Steve: And you have got this paper, "Better Ways to Cut a Cake", which does not sound like your typical math paper. Jones...

2022-01-20   Intermediate
The Inevitability Of Cancer's Commonality


You have a quote in the article, "in one sense cancer is a side effect of evolution." So, that's pretty interesting. What exactly does it mean? Carl: Well, it means that the way that our bodies are b...

2022-01-20   Video
DNA Transcription (Advanced Detail)


The central dogma of molecular biology, DNA makes RNA makes protein. Here the process begins. Transcription factors assemble at a specific promoter region along the DNA. The length of DNA follow...

2022-01-19   British English
What Ate Dinosaurs


What ate dinosaurs? Old crocs. Even in their heyday, dinosaurs were not quite as dominant as popular myth makes them out to be. ONE answer to the question, “What ate dinosaurs?” is, obviously, “Oth...

谁吃了恐龙 古鳄鱼 即便是在全盛时期,恐龙并非像民间传说所理解的那样占绝对统治地位 “谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的...

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