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2024-02-21   Intermediate
John Rennie - Hacking the Planet, Part Two


Steve Mirsky: So which volcano did you fly over? John Rennie: We – all of them. Steve Mirsky: All. John Rennie: I – the big island of Hawaii is not so gigantic in the big ...

2024-02-19   Video
You Are Not Where You Think You Are


Look around you. Where are you? Where is this place you are occupying? Somewhere in a room, maybe in a city on a continent on a planet orbiting a star in a galaxy among billions. But… wh...

2024-02-17   Intermediate
John Rennie - Hacking the Planet, Part One


Steve Mirsky: So, John. John Rennie: Yes, Steve. Hello. Steve Mirsky: Tell everybody about your new television show. You are on Twitter at TVJRennie. John Rennie: That’s righ...

2024-02-15   Video
The Deadliest Virus on Earth


In the 1970s thousands of Chickenheads rained from the sky in Europe, making foxes and other wildlife confused and very happy. Why? They were filled with a vaccine to fight the deadliest ...

2024-02-13   Intermediate
Talking about Isaac Newton after a Performance of a Play Called Isaac’s Eye - Ⅸ


Matthew Jones: And this is very popular in the European renaissance that at the time of Moses or even before, there was a sort of pure knowledge of God's intention. So the true religion of Abraham...

2024-02-11   Video
The Most Horrible Parasite - Brain Eating Amoeba


A war has been going on for billions of years that breeds well armed monsters, who struggle with other monsters for survival. Having no particular interest in us, most of them are relatively ...

2024-02-10   Pre-Intermediate
Human African Trypanosomiasis - Sleeping Sickness, Part Two


Sleeping sickness cannot be prevented by a vaccine or medicine. So to avoid the disease, a person must avoid the tsetse fly. Avoiding the fly can be simple. Wearing thick clothes that cover the skin p...

2024-02-09   Intermediate
Talking about Isaac Newton after a Performance of a Play Called Isaac’s Eye - Ⅷ


Gabriel Cwilich: If I can add something to the question. A historian, as you say, is not supposed to say – I am not a historian. My day job, when I cannot hang around the theater here, is to be ...

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