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2021-12-11   Intermediate
The Status of Pluto


First up, George Musser and the entire universe. Steve: George, thanks for coming into my office here to explain this to me. George: Thanks for letting me fit into your office Steve. Steve: It's no...

2021-12-07   Video
Relative Sizes of Bacteria and Viruses


But you also know that viruses are sub-microscopic. They're exceedingly small. Let me give you some sense of the scale that we're talking about here in more human terms. Let's imagine that I am...

2021-12-04   British English
A Water Filter that Kills Bacteria


Science and Technology 【Clean water 】 Silver threads of life 【A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them 】 MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases t...

科技 清洁水源 生命的银丝带 新滤水器能够消灭细菌,而不单单是排除细菌 超过十亿人口缺少饮用水,并且在绝大多数情况下缺少的只是纯净的水,而不是水本身。其结果是给人们带来了疾病,特别是每年夺取数百万儿童性命并使更多的儿...

2021-12-03   Intermediate
Ice Cream Science


I'm here at Ben and Jerry's. And who are you? Derek: My name is Derek Spors. I am an ice cream scientician. Steve: And, what does that mean? What's your background? Derek: My background is food sci...

2021-12-03   Video
Scientists Learn from a Fish School


Researchers train high-speed video on schooling fish to track the motion of each individual, revealing how information and decisions travel through the group. Collective behavior is embodied in swa...

2021-12-01   Video
The Mammalian Biological Clock


To illustrate the role of the Per's (period) and Cry's (cryptochrome). So what we have here are BMAL and CLOCK which are the positive activators actually of a set of at least 5 genes. All three Per ge...

2021-11-30   British English
How to Detect Alzheimer's Before Symptoms Appear


Science and Technology 【Diagnosing dementia】 Advance warning 【How to detect Alzheimer's before symptoms appear-if you are a woman】 ALZHEIMER'S disease has no cure. There are, however, five drug...

科技 痴呆症的诊断 病情恶化预警 作为一名女性,如何在症状出现前诊断阿尔茨海默氏症 阿尔茨海默氏症目前尚无法治愈。然而,有五种已知并获批准的药物能减缓其症状的恶化。这些药物越早使用,效果越佳。遗憾的是,该疾病一般在病...

2021-11-29   Intermediate
Talk with Edward O. Wilson


Most people are astonished to learn that possibly only 10 percent of the kinds of plants and animals and microorganisms—especially when you throw in little creatures, what I like to call the little cr...

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