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2024-08-31   Video
What Would Happen If Extinct Animals Could Be Brought Back to Life


What do saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths and the dodo all have in common? They're all extinct. And some theorize humans played a large part in this. What if we could apologize for our wrong...

2024-08-29   Intermediate
The Real Killer Of The Dinosaurs, Part One


A ruthless murder was committed! Someone killed the dinosaurs and we have the murderer! Witnesses say that an Everest-sized asteroid hit Earth, devastated the planet and caused a mass ex...

2024-08-27   Intermediate
An Indirect Way to Tame Cancer, Part Three


Rakesh Jain: We said – we asked the questions what molecules in our body control the production of collagen, and the growth factor that is the master regulator of collagen is known as TGF beta, transf...

2024-08-27   Video
What Would Happen If We Terraformed the Sahara Desert


In an effort to fight climate change, the Sahara Desert could be going green... literally. Plans are being made to terraform the entire Sahara desert; changing it from a dry, barren land...

2024-08-25   Intermediate
An Indirect Way to Tame Cancer, Part Two


Rakesh Jain: But in addition, even if the drugs get into the hypoxic region, somehow you could do that, they stop functioning there, because a lot of the drugs, for them to function they require oxyge...

2024-08-25   Video
What Would Happen If Earth Was Inside of a Nebula


If you could teleport the Earth to any place in the Universe, what would you want to look at in the night sky? The bright explosion of a supernova? A black hole passing over your house?...

2024-08-23   Intermediate
An Indirect Way to Tame Cancer, Part One


Steve Mirsky: Cancer therapy is almost always looked at as a molecular issue. When we hear about a new cancer drug it’s usually a molecule. And your attempts to deal with cancer obviously are molecu...

2024-08-21   Intermediate
The Paradox of an Infinite Universe, Part Two


How big would such a hyper donut universe be? Well, because of its strange geometry, actually this is kind of the smallest possible universe – potentially just a few times bigger than th...

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