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2022-09-27   Video
The Human Era


Humans have existed for millions of years, as part of nature. But then, something changed. And in an incredibly short amount of time.. ..We terraformed this planet and designed it to fit our nee...

2022-09-23   Video
The Most Gruesome Parasites – NTDs


In the year 1014, Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second defeated the Bulgarian army and captured 15 thousand prisoners. He could've killed them, but he had a different idea. He wanted to weaken his...

2022-09-21   Intermediate
The Truth About Cats & Dogs


Rennie: This is a story about the origins of the domestic house cat. Steve: And there are many millions of them across the country, perhaps some of them are even listening to this podcast. Rennie: I...

2022-09-19   Video
The Human Explosion Explained


Never before in history, have there been so many people on Earth as right now. Our numbers have skyrocketed, from 1 billion in 1800, to 2.3 billion in 1940, 3.7 billion in 1970, and 7.4 billion in ...

2022-09-15   Intermediate
What Makes Us Human


Rennie: "What Makes Us Human"—at least in a genetic sense. This cover story is a look at what information has been coming out of direct genetic comparisons of the chimpanzee genome and the human genom...

2022-09-15   Video
Fusion Power Explained


The fundamental currency of our universe is energy. It lights our homes, grows our food, powers our computers. We can get it lots of ways: Burning fossil fuels, splitting atoms, or sunlig...

2022-09-13   Intermediate
About the Flu


Steve: Christine, the swine flu story is moving fast. We're talking on Tuesday afternoon, by the time people listen to this, things may have fundamentally changed, so I am going to assume that people ...

2022-09-11   Intermediate
The Soul of Medicine II


Steve: Which is exactly the way you had described it. Nuland: Same thing. So Nuland really got his comeuppance. Steve: But at the end of this little interaction between you and the chief of surgery ...

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