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2024-01-26   Video
What Would Happen If The Sun Was Smaller Than The Earth


Imagine you were able to shrink the Sun to the size of a basketball. At that point, the Earth would be reduced to the size of a sesame seed. That's how massive our star is. But what if th...

2024-01-24   Intermediate
Talking about Isaac Newton after a Performance of a Play Called Isaac’s Eye - Ⅱ


Matthew Jones: So, we get a sense of that. But also, I think one thing we really get a sense of is the extent to which he was deeply concerned with the problems of the human being in coming to know...

2024-01-22   Intermediate
Talking about Isaac Newton after a Performance of a Play Called Isaac’s Eye -Ⅰ


Matthew Stanley: I was in a cab going from this airport in the middle of Indiana to a physics conference and the cabbie said, “Where are you going?” I said, “A physics' conference.” And he ...

2024-01-20   Intermediate
Kevin Dutton on the Benefits of Being a Bit Psychopathic - Ⅴ


Kevin Dutton: I’ll give you an example. I mean I remember one time when I must have been about nine or ten. We were having dinner in an Indian restaurant in London and at the end of the d...

2024-01-20   Video
You Are Immune Against Every Disease


You are not a person, you are a planet, made of roughly 40 trillion cells. There is so much of you, that if your cells were human-sized, you would be as big as 20 Mount Everests. For you...

2024-01-18   Intermediate
Kevin Dutton on the Benefits of Being a Bit Psychopathic - Ⅳ


Steve Mirsky: I want to talk about this fascinating ability that you discuss in the book of people who score very high on the psychopath tests to determine just by looking at other people wh...

2024-01-16   Intermediate
Kevin Dutton on the Benefits of Being a Bit Psychopathic - Ⅲ


Steve Mirsky: How do we know that such theoretical, hypothetical situations really translate into the real world though? If these same people who are being studied in the brain scan situat...

2024-01-16   Video
What Would Happen If All of the Volcanoes on Earth Erupted at Once


What if one day you turned on the news channel to see this... Breaking news... ...volcanic eruption... ...already caused 2 million casualties... ...all airports are closed... If all th...

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