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2021-11-30   British English
How to Detect Alzheimer's Before Symptoms Appear


Science and Technology 【Diagnosing dementia】 Advance warning 【How to detect Alzheimer's before symptoms appear-if you are a woman】 ALZHEIMER'S disease has no cure. There are, however, five drug...

科技 痴呆症的诊断 病情恶化预警 作为一名女性,如何在症状出现前诊断阿尔茨海默氏症 阿尔茨海默氏症目前尚无法治愈。然而,有五种已知并获批准的药物能减缓其症状的恶化。这些药物越早使用,效果越佳。遗憾的是,该疾病一般在病...

2021-11-29   Intermediate
Talk with Edward O. Wilson


Most people are astonished to learn that possibly only 10 percent of the kinds of plants and animals and microorganisms—especially when you throw in little creatures, what I like to call the little cr...

大多数人都惊讶地发现,可能只有 10% 的植物、动物和微生物——特别是当你把小生物——我喜欢称之为地球上的小生物——小型无脊椎动物和微生物——物种种类的 10% 可能是已知的,剩下有待发现的数量可能是 90%。我们刚刚开始 250 年前由 ...

2021-11-29   Video
Cassini's Grand Finale


It’s the end of an era, more than a billion kilometers from Earth this week as the Cassini spacecraft plunges to its fiery death in the clouds of Saturn. I’m Mike Lemonick. Lee Billings: And I’m Le...

这是一个时代的结束,本周距离地球超过 10 亿公里,卡西尼号宇宙飞船在土星的云层中坠落,毋带相间。我是 Mike Lemonick。 Lee Billings:我是 Lee Billings。 Lemonick:当我还是个孩子的...

2021-11-27   Intermediate
Biological Networks


Hi Beth, how are you? Beth: I am good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am fine. Good to talk to you. So, you just returned recently from the annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolu...

嗨,Beth,你好吗? Beth:我是好 Steve。你好吗? Steve:我很好。很高兴与您交谈。所以,您最近刚从分子生物学和进化学会的年会回来,具体的会议叫做基因组、进化和生物信息学,对吧。 Beth:是的。 Steve:在会议...

2021-11-25   Video
Measuring Circadian Activity in Drosophila


So I now have an animation to give you a flavor for not only the emergence from the pupal case but actually the locomotor activities, which are also affected. So here's a fruit fly in a tube, and that...

所以我现在有一个动画,不仅可以让您了解从蛹案例中出现的情况,还可以了解运动活动,这些活动也受到影响。所以这里有一只管子里的果蝇,那只果蝇在这里的 actogram 上跳来跳去,与 Joe 展示的 actograph 非常相似,当灯亮时,早上...

2021-11-24   British English
The Climate May not be as Sensitive to Carbon Dioxide


Science and Technolgy 【Climate change】 Good news at last? 【The climate may not be as sensitive to carbon dioxide as previously believed】 CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful num...

科技 气候变化 最终难道是个好消息? 气候对二氧化碳的敏感性,可能没有原来认识的那样强 气候科学的复杂是出了名的,但"气候敏感度"是已知的一个非常实用、必须被谨记的指标。这一指标用于衡量由于大气中二氧化碳的浓度增长一...

2021-11-23   Intermediate
The Human-Computer Interface


Mark you, were telling me you had an interesting experience last week. Where were you? Alpert: Well I was at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory inside the Tevatron, which is a pretty unique thing ...

Mark 你,告诉我你上周有一次有趣的经历。你去哪了? Alpert:嗯,我在 Tevatron 内的费米国家加速器实验室,这是一件非常独特的事情,因为通常你不能进去,因为光束在运行,隧道里会有一些放射性,所以他们不让人们进来。但 Tev...

2021-11-23   Video
How a Salmonella Infection Begins


Nice motile salmonella screaming along here *sound effects of airplane* here she comes! Boom! Ok it’s got a type 3 secretion system, squirts in proteins, triggers major event -here she comes, and *gul...

漂亮的活动沙门氏菌在这里尖叫 *飞机的声音效果* 她来了!繁荣!好吧,它有一个 3 型分泌系统,喷入蛋白质,触发重大事件 - 她来了,然后*吞咽* 啊,满意吧?还没有教这些视频如何打嗝。好的,细菌在里面,这里有一个液泡进来,这是 Chris...

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