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2021-12-14   British English
Psychology - How Dead is Dead


Science and Technology. Psychology. How dead is dead? Sometimes, those who have died seem more alive than those who have not. IN GENERAL, people are pretty good at differentiating between the quic...

科技 心理学 怎样死才算死? 有时,死人似乎比活人更"活"。通常,人们都比较擅长分辨生者与死者。然而,现代医学技术创造了第三个选项——永久性植物人状态。处于这种状态的人,其大脑因意外或中风而严重受损。这经常意味着他们没有希...

2021-12-13   Video
Ubiquitin and the Proteasome


So the little pink protein is ubiquitin and our yellow protein here is ataxin-1. For ubiquitin to be carried to proteins it needs a carrier, it's called the ubiquitin carrier enzyme. Once our ataxin h...


2021-12-11   Intermediate
The Status of Pluto


First up, George Musser and the entire universe. Steve: George, thanks for coming into my office here to explain this to me. George: Thanks for letting me fit into your office Steve. Steve: It's no...

首先是 George Musser 和整个宇宙。 Steve:George,感谢您来到我的办公室向我解释这一点。 George:谢谢你让我适应你的办公室,史蒂夫。 Steve:这不是一个大办公室。所以这些人本周发表了一个故事,根据他们...

2021-12-07   Video
Relative Sizes of Bacteria and Viruses


But you also know that viruses are sub-microscopic. They're exceedingly small. Let me give you some sense of the scale that we're talking about here in more human terms. Let's imagine that I am...

但你也知道 病毒是亚微观的。 它们非常小。 让我给你一些 规模感 我们正在谈论的 在这里用更人性化的术语来说。 让我们想象一下我是 size 您体内的单个细胞。 在这个尺度上,如果我要 表示单个单元格, 一种 Bre...

2021-12-04   British English
A Water Filter that Kills Bacteria


Science and Technology 【Clean water 】 Silver threads of life 【A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them 】 MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases t...

科技 清洁水源 生命的银丝带 新滤水器能够消灭细菌,而不单单是排除细菌 超过十亿人口缺少饮用水,并且在绝大多数情况下缺少的只是纯净的水,而不是水本身。其结果是给人们带来了疾病,特别是每年夺取数百万儿童性命并使更多的儿...

2021-12-03   Intermediate
Ice Cream Science


I'm here at Ben and Jerry's. And who are you? Derek: My name is Derek Spors. I am an ice cream scientician. Steve: And, what does that mean? What's your background? Derek: My background is food sci...

我在 Ben and Jerry's。你是谁? Derek:我叫 Derek Spors。我是一名冰淇淋科学家。 Steve:那是什么意思?您的背景是什么? Derek:我的背景是食品科学。我拥有威斯康星大学的学位,基本上是研究化学、...

2021-12-03   Video
Scientists Learn from a Fish School


Researchers train high-speed video on schooling fish to track the motion of each individual, revealing how information and decisions travel through the group. Collective behavior is embodied in swa...

研究人员在成群的鱼身上训练高速视频,以跟踪每个个体的运动,揭示信息和决策如何在群体中传播。 集体行为体现在成群的昆虫、成群的鸟、成群的羚羊和成群的鱼。在每一种情况下,个体在他们的环境中移动并几乎同时对威胁和机会做出反应,形成一个起伏的...

2021-12-01   Video
The Mammalian Biological Clock


To illustrate the role of the Per's (period) and Cry's (cryptochrome). So what we have here are BMAL and CLOCK which are the positive activators actually of a set of at least 5 genes. All three Per ge...

为了说明 Per's(句号)和 Cry's(cryptochrome)的作用。所以我们这里有 BMAL 和 CLOCK,它们实际上是一组至少 5 个基因的阳性激活剂。根据基因实验,所有三个 Per 基因和两个 Cry 基因似乎都受到 CLO...

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