+ 影音搜索


2021-11-11   Video
The Cochlea


So here we are with a view of the cochlea. The cochlea now uncoils, and we look at the basilar membrane, and now you'll see what happens when we play individual tones. Now a chord. And finally somethi...

2021-11-09   Intermediate
Research Aimed at Fighting Antibiotic Resistance


Steve: Hi, Gary, how are you? Stix: Good, Steve, how are you? Steve: Okay, give me the nickel tour of the work that you talk about in the article. Whose lab is it and what are they doing that's ...

2021-11-09   Video
Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction


We're going to do a head-to-head contest between asexual cloning and sexual reproduction. And I'm going to need-- perhaps you've been wondering what these fruits and vegetables are for up here ...

2021-11-08   British English
Infantile Anaemia - Blood Simple


Science and Technology 【infantile anaemia】 Blood simple 【A small change in how babies are delivered might abolish infantile anaemia】 CHILDHOOD anaemia is a problem. Around the world, almost a quar...

科技 婴儿贫血 简单的输血 分娩方式的简单改变可能帮助消灭婴儿贫血 儿童贫血症是一个全球性的问题,将近四分之一的五岁以下儿童忍受着该病的折磨,使得我们无法忽视它。儿童身体和智力的发育,都会受到铁元素匮乏的影响,因为除...

2021-11-07   Intermediate
The GLOBE at Night Project


Steve: Captain Moore, I really appreciate you calling in. Moore: Oh, not a problem. Thanks for having me. Steve: It's our pleasure. Can you tell me, first of all, over the years it has been call...

2021-11-05   Intermediate
Talk with Eric Kandel


Dr. Kandel, great to talk to you today. Kandel: Steve it's wonderful to talk to you. Steve: And I want you to begin with your background. You went from an interest in being a psychoanalyst to a ...

2021-11-05   Video
The Discovery of Ribozymes


RNA is an informational molecule. If one would want a simple analogy for it, you might use the analogy of a video tape. It has a linear array of information, which by itself is typically thought of no...

2021-11-03   Video
How a Pathogenic E. coli Infection Begins


So here's our bacterium here and behind it will be these long strands that are the bundle forming pillus. They're going to adhere to the microvilli, these wiener-like structures, this is what's on...

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