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2024-04-19   Video
Think Like a Scientist -- Inside Alzheimer's Disease


[computer keyboard tapping] [music plays] [O'BRIEN:] I am fearful of the day when I put my hands on the keyboard and not know what to do. This is a painful naked story for me to tel...

2024-04-17   Intermediate
Why My iPhone’s Battery Expired in Only a Year


- Once I remove the battery, I can safely disconnect the cables, and we can get started on the battery replacement. - Every iPhone battery is going to expire. That is, it's going to go ba...

2024-04-17   Video
What Would Happen If The Earth Had Two Moons


What if our Moon had a twin? Seeing not just one, but two of these satellites in the night sky might be spectacular. But how would a second moon affect the ocean tides? This is WHAT IF, ...

2024-04-15   Intermediate
From Gadgets to Galaxies - CES, Part Three


Steve Mirsky: And so what does that tell us? It’s telling us about early universe and galaxy formation? Clara Moskowitz: That’s right. They’re seeing galaxies that are between, you know, 12 ...

2024-04-15   Video
What Would Happen If We Built an Elevator to Space


Hold on tight, turn up the elevator music, and get ready for a whole new mode of space exploration! Forget rocket launches! We already use elevators to bring us to extreme heights in our ta...

2024-04-13   Intermediate
From Gadgets to Galaxies - CES, Part Two


Steve Mirsky: Right. So just from what you told me I could envision clothing that for elderly people would monitor their gait, for example. Seth Fletcher: Yeah, sure. Mm-hmm. Steve Mirsky: Yeah...

2024-04-13   Video
How To Terraform Mars


Mars is a disappointing hellhole lacking practically everything we need to stay alive. It looks like we’ll only ever have small crews spend a miserable time hidden underground. Except, w...

2024-04-11   Intermediate
From Gadgets to Galaxies - CES, Part One


Seth Fletcher: CES is the Consumer Electronics Show, a huge international trade show in Las Vegas, and every year thousands of exhibitors come and show off their newest gadgets. And this year I think...

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