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2022-02-02   Video
Shotgun Sequencing


Shotgun sequencing is the method that was used by the private genome project. Shotgun sequencing requires multiple copies of the genome, which are effectively blown up into millions of small fragments...

2022-01-28   Video
How Do Tornadoes Form


Tornadoes occur in every continent, except Antarctica but more form over the central United States than anywhere else in a zone called Tornado Alley. That's because conditions in the Alley are ...

2022-01-26   Video
Sickle Cell Disease


Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects hemoglobin, the oxygen transport molecule in the blood. The disease gets its name from the shape of the red blood cells under certain conditions. S...

2022-01-20   Video
DNA Transcription (Advanced Detail)


The central dogma of molecular biology, DNA makes RNA makes protein. Here the process begins. Transcription factors assemble at a specific promoter region along the DNA. The length of DNA follow...

2022-01-14   Video
DNA Transcription (Basic Detail)


What you are about to see is DNA's most extraordinary secret. How a simple code is turned into flesh and blood. It begins with a bundle of factors assembling at the start of a gene. A gene is simply a...

2022-01-10   Video
X Inactivation


The cells start off as a female with two X chromosomes. The cell divides and the embryo is getting slightly bigger and still each cell has both X chromosomes active, but in early embryogenesis eac...

2022-01-06   Video
Resurrecting the Genes of Extinct Plants


Yeast puffs up bread and ferments beer. But for scientists at Ginkgo Bioworks in Boston, the microbes are taking them back more than a century to resurrect, for the first time ever, the scent ...

2022-01-04   Video
Using p53 to Fight Cancer


The virus is derived from a typical cold virus, called an adenovirus. It infects, or begins to infect all cells. If the virus infects a normal cell, the DNA from the virus will get out of it and go to...

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