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2024-09-08   Video
What Would Happen If You Could Stop Time


If you had a device designed to freeze time for everything but you, life wouldn't be anything like what you'd expect. You wouldn't catch up on sleep, or rob a bank while no one can stop yo...

2024-09-06   Video
Think Like a Scientist - Yukon Fossil Rush


[MUSIC PLAYING] GRANT ZAZULA: Mummified remains of Ice Age animals are incredibly rare in the Yukon. There was something found while the mineworkers was using one of these water cannon...

2024-09-04   Video
How to Photograph a Total Solar Eclipse with Any Camera


Hi, I'm Lucy. I am a night sky photographer and an eclipse chaser. On April 8th there's going to be a total solar eclipse crossing over North America. The path of totality is going to start s...

2024-08-31   Video
What Would Happen If Extinct Animals Could Be Brought Back to Life


What do saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths and the dodo all have in common? They're all extinct. And some theorize humans played a large part in this. What if we could apologize for our wrong...

2024-08-27   Video
What Would Happen If We Terraformed the Sahara Desert


In an effort to fight climate change, the Sahara Desert could be going green... literally. Plans are being made to terraform the entire Sahara desert; changing it from a dry, barren land...

2024-08-25   Video
What Would Happen If Earth Was Inside of a Nebula


If you could teleport the Earth to any place in the Universe, what would you want to look at in the night sky? The bright explosion of a supernova? A black hole passing over your house?...

2024-08-21   Video
What Would Happen If We Built A Ringworld In Space


The Earth may not be our home forever. Eventually, we may have to leave. What if instead of finding a potentially habitable exoplanet light-years away, we stayed in our Solar System a...

2024-08-17   Video
What Would Happen If the Earth Was Hollow


What Earth do you live on? A round one? Flat one? What about a hollow Earth? Just a planet's shell levitating around absolutely nothing. How would the laws of physics work on that holl...

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