+ 影音搜索


2021-12-13   Intermediate
Well-Read Doctors


Hey John. How are you doing? Rennie: Hi Steve; just fine, Thanks. Steve: So, we're going to get to the single topic issue in a moment, but first tell everybody about your weekend; you had an interes...

嘿,约翰。你好吗? Rennie:嗨,Steve;很好,谢谢。 Steve:所以,我们稍后将进入单个主题问题,但首先要告诉大家您的周末情况;你度过了一个有趣的周末。 Rennie:是的,我记得。我和我的妻子詹妮弗 (Jennifer)...

2021-12-11   Intermediate
The Status of Pluto


First up, George Musser and the entire universe. Steve: George, thanks for coming into my office here to explain this to me. George: Thanks for letting me fit into your office Steve. Steve: It's no...

首先是 George Musser 和整个宇宙。 Steve:George,感谢您来到我的办公室向我解释这一点。 George:谢谢你让我适应你的办公室,史蒂夫。 Steve:这不是一个大办公室。所以这些人本周发表了一个故事,根据他们...

2021-12-09   Intermediate
The Interplanetary Bicycle Ride


"The Expert Mind"; and so let me ask you this: How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Phil: Well practice, practice, practice is the standard answer, and a lot of people have thought it was not quite true. T...

“专家思维”;所以让我问你一个问题:我怎么去卡内基音乐厅? Phil:嗯,练习,练习是标准答案,很多人认为这并不完全正确。他们认为人才发挥了作用——他们可能是对的,很难反驳这个假设——但目前的信念似乎是——在研究专业知识的人中,专业知识方...

2021-12-07   Intermediate
The Mountain-Climate Relation


I was trying to weigh the pros and cons of doing little extra field work or going back to Katmandu, and I finally decided that I could get a little extra field work in with my student if I figured out...

我试图权衡做一点额外的实地工作或返回加德满都的利弊,我最终决定,如果我能找到一些快速返回机场的方法,我可以和我的学生一起做一些额外的实地工作,所以,我从当地人那里租了这匹马。 史蒂夫:你被告知中午后马不会下那座山。 Hodges:是的,...

2021-12-05   Intermediate
Space Shuttle & Fingerprints


Dr. Bagian, thanks for talking to us today. Bagian: Oh, glad to be here. Steve: You already had an M.D. when you became an astronaut. Bagian: Really, NASA, when they look for astronauts, they look ...

Bagian 博士,感谢您今天与我们交谈。 Bagian: 噢,很高兴来到这里。 Steve:当你成为一名宇航员时,你已经有医学博士学位了。 Bagian:真的,NASA,当他们寻找宇航员时,他们寻找的是我所说的万事通,但精通一个行业...

2021-12-03   Intermediate
Ice Cream Science


I'm here at Ben and Jerry's. And who are you? Derek: My name is Derek Spors. I am an ice cream scientician. Steve: And, what does that mean? What's your background? Derek: My background is food sci...

我在 Ben and Jerry's。你是谁? Derek:我叫 Derek Spors。我是一名冰淇淋科学家。 Steve:那是什么意思?您的背景是什么? Derek:我的背景是食品科学。我拥有威斯康星大学的学位,基本上是研究化学、...

2021-12-01   Intermediate
Historic Tortoise


Hey Karen, thanks for joining us. Karen: Thanks Steve. Glad to be here. Steve: What were you doing in the Bering Sea? Karen: Well, I got a chance to go, be on a U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker called t...

您好 Karen,感谢您的参与。 Karen:谢谢 Steve。很高兴来到这里。 Steve:你在白令海做什么? Karen:嗯,我有机会去了,参加了一艘名为 Healy 的美国海岸警卫队破冰船,这是舰队中最大的科学船,那里正在进行一...

2021-11-29   Intermediate
Talk with Edward O. Wilson


Most people are astonished to learn that possibly only 10 percent of the kinds of plants and animals and microorganisms—especially when you throw in little creatures, what I like to call the little cr...

大多数人都惊讶地发现,可能只有 10% 的植物、动物和微生物——特别是当你把小生物——我喜欢称之为地球上的小生物——小型无脊椎动物和微生物——物种种类的 10% 可能是已知的,剩下有待发现的数量可能是 90%。我们刚刚开始 250 年前由 ...

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