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2022-01-14   Intermediate
Talk with Nobel Laureate Harold Varmus


Dr. Varmus, great to talk to you today. Dr. Varmus: Thank you very much. Nice to see you. Steve: Tell me about the Hamilton Project. What is it? How did you get involved with it and why? Dr. Varmus...

Varmus 博士,很高兴今天与您交谈。 Dr. Varmus:非常感谢。很高兴见到你。 Steve:跟我说说 Hamilton 项目吧。这是什么?您是如何参与其中的,为什么? Varmus 博士:我之所以参与其中,是因为我接到 Bo...

2022-01-12   Intermediate
The Science of Bird Song


Dr. Slabbekoorn, nice to talk to you today. Dr. Slabbekoorn: How are you doing? Steve: Good, tell me about this bird song study, very interesting. What did you actually do and what were you looking ...

Slabbekoorn 博士,很高兴今天与您交谈。 Dr. Slabbekoorn:你最近怎么样? Steve:很好,跟我说说这个鸟鸣研究吧,非常有趣。你实际上是做什么的,你在寻找什么? Dr. Slabbekoorn:嗯,我所做的是...

2022-01-10   Intermediate
Will Newspapers Survive


Professor Thorburn, great to talk to you today. Tell me about this series "Will Newspapers Survive?" Thorburn: We were approached a few years ago about considering the question of what was happening ...

Thorburn 教授,很高兴今天与您交谈。请介绍一下“报纸会生存下去吗”这个系列。 Thorburn:几年前,有人找到我们,考虑一下报纸发生了什么。广义的新闻话题——尤其是美国新闻的质量和变化方式——多年来一直是麻省理工学院传播论坛的一...

2022-01-08   Intermediate
Tiny Technology and Talking Turkey


Fifty people and organizations and so, it's not all scientists. John: No. That's right. We are trying to take people and organizations from the world of research, but also from business and policymak...

50 个人和组织等等,并不全是科学家。 约翰:没有。没错。我们试图从研究领域、商业和政策制定中汲取人员和组织,因为我们试图通过这份清单传达的信息之一是,技术的发展不仅取决于实验室中的聪明人提出新技术,还在很大程度上取决于企业做出的决策、他...

2022-01-06   Intermediate
Poetry And Science with Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann


Anything…you have been at the sessions …anything jump out of you that was particularly memorable, interesting? John: Well, the sessions have all been really pretty interesting in lots of different wa...

什么。。。你已经参加了会议......有什么特别难忘、有趣的事情吗? John:嗯,这些会议在很多方面都非常有趣。我想,当然,地球研究所的 Jeff Sachs 是该杂志的专栏作家,他发表了我认为很多人认为非常激动人心的演讲,关于可持续性...

2022-01-04   Intermediate
What Happened to America’s First Dogs


Hi Sarah. SC: Okay. So this is kind of a tricky tale to tell. Let's start with where polio is still endemic, where could one still catch the polio virus in the wild? LR: The wild virus is just in A...

嗨,莎拉。 SC:好的。所以这是一个有点棘手的故事。让我们从脊髓灰质炎仍然流行的地方开始, 哪里还能在野外感染脊髓灰质炎病毒? LR:野生病毒只在阿富汗、巴基斯坦,他们不确定,也许还有尼日利亚。 SC:现在刚果民主共和国正在爆发脊髓...

2022-01-02   Intermediate
Gestures and Facial Expressions Help Communication


A series of articles. Three articles--[about] how your body reveals what you think. One is on gestures, hand gestures, body gestures; one is on facial expressions; and one is about lying. So, this is ...

一系列文章。三篇文章——关于你的身体如何揭示你的想法。一个是关于手势、手势、身体手势;一个是面部表情;一个是关于撒谎的。所以,这真的很有趣。这种方式如何与口头交流相伴,以及观察者/听众从中得到什么。 Mariette:是的,有趣的是,就在...

2021-12-31   Intermediate
Shocking Research


Larry, good to talk to you. Larry: Nice to talk to you. Steve: Tell me about the things that surprised you as you were doing a research for this book. Larry: There were several things that surprise...

Larry,很高兴和你交谈。 Larry:很高兴和你交谈。 Steve:跟我说说你在为这本书做研究时,有什么让你感到惊讶的事情吧。 Larry:有几件事让我感到惊讶。一个是我认为作为一名长期的医学记者,我了解精神病学和医学的许多趋势,...

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