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2022-01-30   Intermediate
The Truth About Online Dating


Hi Dr. Epstein, how are you today? Epstein: Good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am okay! So, tell me about online dating. How did you get so interested in this subject, first of all? Epstein: Well, p...

您好,Epstein 博士,您今天怎么样? 爱泼斯坦:好史蒂夫。你好吗? Steve:我没事!那么,跟我说说网上约会吧。首先,您是怎么对这个主题如此感兴趣的? Epstein:嗯,可能是因为我在网上约会了。这让我非常好奇。然后我了解到...

2022-01-28   Intermediate
Academy Award Winning Audio Science


It's about a 14-page document that summarizes everything that's in this voluminous report. Steve: Okay! So what was issued was basically an abstract for the full report that will come out in a few mo...

这是一份 14 页的文件,总结了这份庞大的报告中的所有内容。 Steve:好的!因此,发布的内容基本上是几个月后发布的完整报告的摘要。 Biello:是的!如果你想用科学文献的术语来表达它,那么摘要就是它。 Steve:好的!那么,请...

2022-01-26   Intermediate
TV Of Tomorrow


Hi, Michael how are you? Antonoff: I’m pretty good Steve. Steve: Tell us the difference first of all between digital television and high-definition television. Antonoff: High-definition television ...

嗨,Michael,您好吗? Antonoff:Steve,我很好。 Steve:首先告诉我们数字电视和高清电视之间的区别。 Antonoff:高清电视是数字电视的一个子集。它需要更多的带宽。它需要一个更好的显示器来看到它,需要一个更...

2022-01-24   Intermediate
Good News About Coffee


Hello Dr. Clemens. How are you today? Clemens: Good morning, Steve. Steve: Coffee for the last few years has really been getting a lot of good press compared to, you know, some negative press and so...

您好,Clemens 博士。你今天感觉如何? Clemens:早上好,Steve。 Steve:与之前几年的一些负面新闻和一些好新闻相比,过去几年咖啡确实获得了很多好评。这只是由于进行了更多的研究吗? Clemens:食品与健康相关的...

2022-01-22   Intermediate
Better Ways To Cut A Cake


Professor Jones—thanks for talking to us today. Jones: Good talking to you. Steve: And you have got this paper, "Better Ways to Cut a Cake", which does not sound like your typical math paper. Jones...

Jones 教授 — 感谢您今天与我们交谈。 Jones:很高兴和你聊。 Steve:你有一篇论文,“更好的切蛋糕方法”,听起来不像你典型的数学论文。 Jones:这不是一篇典型的数学论文。它是和几个同事(一位经济学家和一位协议科学家...

2022-01-20   Intermediate
The Inevitability Of Cancer's Commonality


You have a quote in the article, "in one sense cancer is a side effect of evolution." So, that's pretty interesting. What exactly does it mean? Carl: Well, it means that the way that our bodies are b...

你在文章中引用了一句话,“从某种意义上说,癌症是进化的副作用。所以,这很有趣。这到底是什么意思? Carl:嗯,这意味着我们身体的构造方式和进化方式使癌症几乎成为不可避免的副产品。我们有这些由数万亿个细胞组成的大天体,只有它们都合作才能工...

2022-01-18   Intermediate
Tears & Other Traits That Make Us Human


Hey Chip. How are you? Chip: Great, great, I am doing well. How are you? Steve: Pretty good. Good to talk to you. The basic thing in the book is pretty obvious. We want you to talk about that a litt...

嘿 Chip。你好吗? Chip:太好了,太好了,我过得不错。你好吗? Steve:相当不错。很高兴与您交谈。这本书中的基本内容非常明显。我们希望您稍微谈谈这个问题,并告诉我们您为什么决定要写这本书。 Chip:我想这真的是我试图弄清...

2022-01-16   Intermediate
Rampaging Robots & Komodo Dragons


Hey Dan, thanks for talking to us today. Dan: Thanks for having you me Steve. Steve: You have got your PhD in robotics from Carnegie Mellon. So, what did you do your actual research on for your doct...

您好 Dan,感谢您今天与我们交谈。 Dan:谢谢你邀请你,Steve。 Steve:您从卡内基梅隆大学获得了机器人学博士学位。那么,您在攻读博士学位时实际做了什么研究呢? Dan:无处不在的计算。所以,这就是这个想法 - 人们与计算...

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