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2022-03-03   Intermediate
Mark Twain - Fossil Hunter & Science Writer


Mark Twain. Before I play my conversation—with Dr. Pratt that is—it'll be helpful to hear this Mark Twain essay; I hope amusing as well. It was written in 1903. It's kind of a paleontological and anti...

马克·吐温。在我播放与 Pratt 博士的对话之前,听听 Mark Twain 的这篇文章会很有帮助;我希望也很有趣。它写于 1903 年。这是对阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士 (Alfred Russell Wallace) 的古生物学和反目的...

2022-03-01   Intermediate
Small Matters - Microbes


David Relman. He came in from Stanford University where he is an associate professor of microbiology and immunology and an assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases.The hu...

大卫·雷尔曼。他来自斯坦福大学,是微生物学和免疫学副教授,也是传染病系的医学助理教授。人体大约有 10 万亿个单个细胞——更值得注意的是,我们是大约 100 万亿个微生物细胞的家园。在 Relman 博士的演讲结束后,我与 Relman 博...

2022-02-27   Intermediate
The Box That Changed the World


Professor Donovan, good to talk to you. Donovan: Nice to see you too. Steve: Tell us about—first of all, the name of the book is The Box That Changed the World—what is the box? Donovan: The box is ...

Donovan 教授,很高兴与您交谈。 Donovan:也很高兴见到你。 Steve:请告诉我们——首先,这本书的名字是 The Box That Changed the World——盒子是什么? Donovan:箱子是标准的运输集...

2022-02-25   Intermediate
Lying in Weight


Hi Trisha. How are you? Gura: Hi Steve. Steve: Good to see you. Tell me—first of all, the book is called Lying in Weight, w-e-i-g-h-t. Gura: That's correct. Steve: What does the title mean? Gura:...

嗨,Trisha。你好吗? Gura:嗨,史蒂夫。 Steve:很高兴见到你。首先,这本书叫做《沉重的躺着》(Lying in Weight, w-e-i-g-h-t)。 Gura:是的。 Steve:标题是什么意思? Gura:...

2022-02-23   Intermediate
The Encyclopedia of Life


Wilson: Let me say about this morning, this—in my long career—this is the one morning when I think I took part in making history. That sounds like poor belief, but I am going to justify that in a mome...

Wilson:让我说一下今天早上,在我漫长的职业生涯中,这是我认为我参与创造历史的那个早晨。这听起来像是糟糕的信念,但我稍后会证明这一点。我们在全国新闻俱乐部(National Press Club)开会,发表了一份新闻稿,宣布推出《生命百...

2022-02-21   Intermediate
Beer Science


Professor Bamforth—great to talk to you. Bamforth: It's nice to talk to you. Steve: What is beer? Bamforth: Beer is a fermented beverage based on malted cereals and spiced with hops and fermentatio...

Bamforth 教授——很高兴与您交谈。 Bamforth:很高兴能和你交谈。 Steve:什么是啤酒? Bamforth:啤酒是一种以麦芽为基础的发酵饮料,用啤酒花调味,并经过酵母发酵,涉及酵母(酿造酵母),所以它实际上是一种酒精...

2022-02-19   Intermediate
Peer Review of Peer Review


Hi John—how are you? Rennie: Hi Steve—just fine. Steve: You were at this conference and you were on a panel discussing peer review. Rennie: That's right! Steve: Let's talk about what peer review i...

嗨,John,您好吗? Rennie:嗨,Steve——很好。 Steve:您参加了这次会议,并且参加了一个讨论同行评审的小组。 Rennie: 没错! Steve:我们先谈谈什么是同行评议。 Rennie:这实际上是我们在这个小...

2022-02-17   Intermediate
Atul Gawande, Author of ‘Better’


Dr. Gawande, great to talk to you today. Gawande: Thanks for having me on. Steve: My pleasure. You are a surgeon and a writer. What's your general background? I know your dad was a doctor, too, from...

Gawande 博士,很高兴今天与您交谈。 Gawande:谢谢你邀请我。 Steve:我的荣幸。您是一名外科医生和作家。您的一般背景是什么?我读了这本书,我知道你爸爸也是一名医生。 Gawande:我的父母来自印度,但我在这里出生和...

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