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2022-03-19   Intermediate
The Revolution in Brain Science


Nicholson: One of the center points of the book is this idea of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, so I guess we should start by explaining what those are. Begley: Neuroplasticity means just what the ...

Nicholson:这本书的中心点之一是神经可塑性和神经发生的概念,所以我想我们应该先解释一下它们是什么。 Begley:神经可塑性的含义就是这个词的两个部分所暗示的,神经是指大脑,而可塑性是指大脑改变自身、改变其结构和功能的能力。因此,...

2022-03-17   Intermediate
Technological Approaches to the Technological Threat


Walter: You know there is a famous or infamous quip, you know, that Scott McNeilly who was the founder and is the CEO of Sun Microsystems made a few years ago, and he said, "Privacy is dead, get over ...

Walter:你知道有个着名的或臭名昭着的俏皮话,你知道,Sun Microsystems 的创始人兼首席执行官 Scott McNeilly 几年前说,“隐私已经死了,克服它吧。你知道,隐私已经死了吗? Sweeney:嗯,假设它受了重...

2022-03-15   Intermediate
Human Vs. Robotic Space Missions


Steve: Hi Professor Bell. How are you doing today? Bell: I am fine Steve. It's great to be here. Steve: Good to talk to you. So first of all, you are the leader of the Pancam Team on the planet Mars...

Steve:您好,Bell 教授。您今天过得怎么样? Bell:我很好,Steve。很高兴来到这里。 Steve:很高兴和你交谈。首先,您现在是火星上 Pancam 团队的领导者。告诉我们这件事,它从您的生活中消失了多长时间,为此工作所...

2022-03-13   Intermediate
The Future of Biomedical Science


First I asked Hood about that football analogy. Hood: You know, I'll give you a much better analogy, if that's okay. I mean, one that anybody can understand is, suppose you were an engineer and you w...

首先,我问了 Hood 关于那个足球类比。 Hood:你知道的,如果没问题的话,我会给你一个更好的类比。我的意思是,任何人都可以理解的是,假设你是一名工程师,你想知道无线电是如何将无线电转换为声波的——你会怎么做?你做的第一件事是你做一个...

2022-03-11   Intermediate
The Scientist Benjamin Franklin


Steve: 250 years ago, Franklin was elected to the Royal Society of London, the most prestigious scientific society in the world at the time, and pretty prestigious to this date—maybe some people still...

Steve:250 年前,富兰克林被选为伦敦皇家学会会员,这是当时世界上最负盛名的科学学会,直到今天仍然享有盛誉——也许有些人仍然认为它是最负盛名的。那么,是什么为他赢得了那次选举,为什么这在富兰克林之后发生的一切中都如此重要呢? 卓别林...

2022-03-09   Intermediate
The World Without Us


Steve: Alan, good to talk to you today. Weisman: It's my pleasure. Steve: Your book is called The World without Us. It's a fairly self-explanatory title, but why don't you give us the nickel tour of...

Steve:Alan,很高兴今天和你交谈。 Weisman:这是我的荣幸。 Steve:你的书叫《没有我们的世界》(The World without Us)。这是一个相当不言自明的标题,但您为什么不给我们介绍一下这本书的理念呢? W...

2022-03-07   Intermediate
Why We Eat


Wansink: One thing we find is that if you ask a typical person how many food related decisions a day they end up making, most people say 30 or so. In reality we find that a typical person makes betwee...

Wansink:我们发现的一件事是,如果你问一个普通人他们每天最终做出多少个与食物相关的决定,大多数人会说 30 个左右。在现实中,我们发现一个典型的人每天会做出 200 到 300 个关于食物的决定;因为这不是你要吃 Cheerios 还...

2022-03-05   Intermediate
Jared Diamond on the State of the Environment


Mittermeier: It now gives me great pleasure to introduce tonight's featured speaker, Dr. Jared Diamond. Jared is a truly remarkable individual, and he is himself an increasingly endangered species in ...

Mittermeier:现在,我非常高兴地介绍今晚的特邀演讲者 Jared Diamond 博士。Jared 是一个真正了不起的人,他自己也是当今世界越来越濒临灭绝的物种——一个真正的文艺复兴时期的人。他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的地理学教授、加...

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