+ 影音搜索


2021-12-11   Intermediate
The Status of Pluto


First up, George Musser and the entire universe. Steve: George, thanks for coming into my office here to explain this to me. George: Thanks for letting me fit into your office Steve. Steve: It's no...

2021-12-09   Intermediate
The Interplanetary Bicycle Ride


"The Expert Mind"; and so let me ask you this: How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Phil: Well practice, practice, practice is the standard answer, and a lot of people have thought it was not quite true. T...

2021-12-07   Intermediate
The Mountain-Climate Relation


I was trying to weigh the pros and cons of doing little extra field work or going back to Katmandu, and I finally decided that I could get a little extra field work in with my student if I figured out...

2021-12-05   Intermediate
Space Shuttle & Fingerprints


Dr. Bagian, thanks for talking to us today. Bagian: Oh, glad to be here. Steve: You already had an M.D. when you became an astronaut. Bagian: Really, NASA, when they look for astronauts, they look ...

2021-12-03   Intermediate
Ice Cream Science


I'm here at Ben and Jerry's. And who are you? Derek: My name is Derek Spors. I am an ice cream scientician. Steve: And, what does that mean? What's your background? Derek: My background is food sci...

2021-12-01   Intermediate
Historic Tortoise


Hey Karen, thanks for joining us. Karen: Thanks Steve. Glad to be here. Steve: What were you doing in the Bering Sea? Karen: Well, I got a chance to go, be on a U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker called t...

2021-11-29   Intermediate
Talk with Edward O. Wilson


Most people are astonished to learn that possibly only 10 percent of the kinds of plants and animals and microorganisms—especially when you throw in little creatures, what I like to call the little cr...

2021-11-27   Intermediate
Biological Networks


Hi Beth, how are you? Beth: I am good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am fine. Good to talk to you. So, you just returned recently from the annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolu...

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