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2022-05-06   Intermediate
Do Dietary Guidelines Actually Contribute to Obesity


Steve: Dr. Marantz, good to talk to you today. Marantz: Hi, Steve. Steve: Very interesting paper you have here, "A Call for Higher Standards of Evidence for Dietary Guidelines." Let's cut right ...

Steve:Marantz 博士,很高兴今天与您交谈。 Marantz:您好,Steve。 Steve:您这里有一篇非常有趣的论文,“呼吁为膳食指南提供更高标准的证据”。让我们直接切入正题,然后我们稍后再回过头来;但你的基本论点...

2022-05-04   Intermediate
Science & America's Future


Rosner: The issue really is from my perspective whether or not there is in fact in a connection between consistently supported research, especially basic research, at national prosperity the extent of...

罗斯纳:从我的角度来看,问题实际上是,始终如一地支持的研究,特别是基础研究,与国家繁荣之间存在联系,而这种繁荣的程度是被公众理解的,也是不被理解的——那些真正纳税的人,是那些让我们真正做这项工作的人。 允许我们做这项工作,如果有人对这种联系...

2022-05-02   Intermediate
A Mars Rovers Once-Over


Squyres: Spirit is now hunker[ed] down due to winter. Spirit is deep in the southern hemisphere of Mars and what that means is winter is pretty tough, and so what we've done is we have parked the vehi...

Squyres:由于冬天,Spirit 现在陷入困境。Spirit 位于火星南半球的深处,这意味着冬天非常艰难,因此我们所做的是将车辆停在朝北的斜坡上,将太阳能电池板向太阳倾斜。火星上的变化会随着季节的变化而变化,变化是天气系统出现的结果。...

2022-04-30   Intermediate
Language, Culture and Perception


Steve: Hi Dr. Gaby, how are you? Gaby: I'm very well, thanks Steve. Steve: Enjoying the cruise? Gaby: I am having a terrific time. Yeah, this is too much fun. It's going to be hard to go home...

Steve:您好,Gaby 博士,您好吗? Gaby:我很好,谢谢 Steve。 Steve:喜欢游轮吗? Gaby:我度过了一段美好的时光。是的,这太有趣了。回家会很困难。 Steve:这很有趣。所以,你基本上是在...

2022-04-28   Intermediate
Teaching Computers Humor


Steve: Professor Mazlack, Ms. Taylor—good to talk to you today. Mazlack: Hi Steve. Taylor: Hello Steve. Steve: You have research going on, that one's really serious business, but you're trying to t...

Steve:Mazlack 教授,Taylor 女士——很高兴今天与您交谈。 Mazlack:嗨,史蒂夫。 Taylor:你好,史蒂夫。 Steve:你正在进行研究,这确实是一件严肃的事情,但你试图教计算机讲笑话,这马上就是一个有趣的...

2022-04-26   Intermediate
Cold Dark Matter & the Milky Way's Missing Satellites


Simon: We have a theory right now called cold dark matter, which describes the structure of the universe on large scales and how galaxies form within that structure; and so when you look at the univer...


2022-04-24   Intermediate
Miguel Nicolelis and Mind-Powered Robots


Soares: In 2004 you gave [a] really impressive demonstration of how your work could lead to prosthetics controlled by the brain. Your star monkey, Aurora, learned to play a simple videogame with a joy...

Soares:在 2004 年,您做了一个令人印象深刻的演示,展示了您的工作如何导致由大脑控制的假肢。你的星猴 Aurora 学会了用操纵杆玩一个简单的电子游戏,但你基本上也是从她的大脑下载神经信号来控制机器人手臂。 Nicolelis:...

2022-04-22   Intermediate
The Telephone Gambit


Steve: Hi Seth! How are you today? Shulman: Good, thanks! How are you Steve? Steve: Pretty good. Good to talk to you. So, The Telephone Gambit, chasing Alexander Graham Bell's secret. You know, as w...

Steve:嗨,Seth!你今天感觉如何? 舒尔曼:好的,谢谢!你好吗,史蒂夫? Steve:相当不错。很高兴与您交谈。所以,The Telephone Gambit,追寻亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔的秘密。你知道吗,当我们翻开所有的牌时,...

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