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2022-06-07   Intermediate
The Guide to String Theory


Musser: It's a good question because the theory itself is being developed by scientists. It's not a fully formed theory, so what I'll tell you, the summary version I will give you, is the current leve...

Musser:这是个好问题,因为理论本身是由科学家开发的。这不是一个完全形成的理论,所以我要告诉你的,我给你的总结版本,是目前的理解水平;但弦理论的美妙之处在于,它似乎甚至在此之下打开了新的层次。 Steve:在你的书中,我以前没有见过的...

2022-06-05   Intermediate
Inside a Tech Expo


Steve: I'm a Skype fan, so when I saw that they were there, I wandered over to talk with Brianna Reynaud. I think a lot of our listeners probably have used Skype. I know whenever I have to do an Austr...

Steve:我是 Skype 的粉丝,所以当我看到他们在那里时,我走过去与 Brianna Reynaud 交谈。我想我们的很多听众可能都使用过 Skype。我知道每当我必须打澳大利亚电话时,我都会使用 Skype,但请告诉我们您现在拥有的...

2022-06-03   Intermediate
Astrophysicist J. Richard Gott on Time Travel & Presidential Polling


Steve: Dr. Gott, tell me about this research that you've done in, of all things, election results and polling data. Gott: Well, Wesley Colley and I decided that we would like to try to apply median s...

Steve:Gott 博士,请介绍一下您所做的这项研究,包括选举结果和民意调查数据。 戈特:嗯,Wesley Colley 和我决定尝试将中位数统计应用于民意调查,以尝试预测 2004 年的选举人票,这样做的原因是,当你有不同的结果并且其...

2022-06-01   Intermediate
DNA Evidence for Human Migration


Steve: Gary, How are you doing? Stix: Good Steve. Steve: Traces of a distant past. This is really fascinating that each of us carries, within every cell of our body, these clues that will lead to th...

Steve:Gary,你最近怎么样? Stix:好史蒂夫。 Steve:遥远过去的痕迹。这真的很令人着迷,我们每个人的身体每个细胞中都携带着这些线索,这些线索将导致整个人类群体从非洲迁移到我们今天生活的任何地方。那么这怎么可能呢?我的意...

2022-05-30   Intermediate
Questions Related to ‘The Singularity’


Zorpette: 2008 would be the 15th anniversary of a famous essay that was written by an author and retired computer scientist named Vernor Vinge; and Vinge wrote what is widely regarded as the manifesto...

Zorpette:2008 年将是作家和退休计算机科学家 Vernor Vinge 撰写的一篇着名文章的 15 周年纪念日;而 Vinge 写了被广泛认为是产生奇点概念的宣言。正如约翰在他为我们撰写的文章中指出的那样,奇点这种或那种形式的基...

2022-05-28   Intermediate
A Conversation with Director M. Night Shyamalan


Musser: M. Night is really touring with a lot of ideas about what is the limit of rational thought in the film. His protagonist in the film was a science teacher—biology teacher—who talks at the very ...

Musser:M. Night 真的在巡演中,有很多关于电影中理性思考的极限的想法。他在片中的主角是一位科学老师——生物老师——他一开始就谈到了蜂群崩溃障碍和...... Steve:这就是蜜蜂,蜜蜂遇到的问题。 Musser:没错——...

2022-05-26   Intermediate
Fact and Fiction


Steve: James Randi, great to talk to you this morning. How are you? Randi: My pleasure. I'm glad to be here. I think that we have to meet in person one of these days. This business of over the teleph...

Steve:James Randi,很高兴今天早上与您交谈。你好吗? Randi:我的荣幸。我很高兴来到这里。我认为我们必须在这些日子里亲自见面。这种电话业务听起来有点颠覆性,你不觉得吗? Steve:我们实际上已经见过面了,我稍后会谈...

2022-05-24   Intermediate
Little Brains, Big Brains


Steve: Kate, you're at this big meeting in, where in Columbus, Ohio? Wong: Yeah, I was at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Columbus last month. Steve: An...

Steve:Kate,你正在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的哪个地方参加这个大型会议? Wong:是的,我上个月在哥伦布参加了美国体质人类学家协会(American Association of Physical Anthroplogists)的年会。...

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