+ 影音搜索


2022-02-13   Intermediate
Baseball Science


Dr. Baldwin great to talk to you today. Baldwin: Well! Thank you very much Steve. Steve: Tell everybody first of all give us the mini tour of your major league pitching career. Baldwin: Well! I was...

2022-02-11   Intermediate
Alcoholism and Genetics


Hi Dr. Bierut. How are you today? Bierut: Hi Steve. Steve: First of all, you are a psychiatric geneticist. What exactly does that mean? Bierut: I am trained as a psychiatrist, so I have my medical ...

2022-02-09   Intermediate
Finding Nature's Treasure Trove


Hi Dr. Rusch. How are you today? Rusch: I'm doing quite well. How are you Steve? Steve: I'm fine, thanks. Good to talk to you. Tell us all about the Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition. Wha...

2022-02-07   Intermediate
Crafting Memorable Messages


Hi Dr. Heath! How are you today? Heath: I am very good. Thank you for having me. Steve: What is your key message today? Heath: We wrote a book called Made to Stick about how to get ideas across to ...

2022-02-05   Intermediate
Leave It To Beaver


Hi guys! Tell everybody who you are. Sautner: I'm Stephen Sautner. I am with the communication staff for the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo. Delaney: And I am John Delaney also a mem...

2022-02-03   Intermediate
Who Speaks For Science


Tell me about the whole session and your particular comments when you were up there at the lectern. Wayt: The session I participated in was on scientific authority – how it's constructed, how it is u...

2022-02-01   Intermediate
Mo Rocca On Humor Theory


Mo Rocca: In fact I took one course in anthropology on human suffering and it was too much of a downer – it's true, and the only suffering that happened was my humiliation because the seminar instruct...

2022-01-30   Intermediate
The Truth About Online Dating


Hi Dr. Epstein, how are you today? Epstein: Good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am okay! So, tell me about online dating. How did you get so interested in this subject, first of all? Epstein: Well, p...

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