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2022-07-27   Intermediate
The Singularity


Steve: Compare and contrast. Rennie: Well I would be happy to do that Steve. You see your regular singularity is something you would find deep inside a black hole. What happens with a black hole is y...

Steve:比较和对比。 Rennie:嗯,我很乐意做那个 Steve。你看,你的常规奇点是你会在黑洞深处找到的东西。黑洞的情况是,你有一颗恒星已经消耗了它所有的燃料,现在它只不过是一个大引力球,在自身的顶部坍缩;它坍缩,坍缩,再坍缩,恒...

2022-07-25   Intermediate
The Bouncing Carbon Atom


Steve: Right, I mean Chernobyl's terrible thing but that is not a worldwide spread, what got spewed out there. Volk: Yeah, the winds did spread it into the northern Europe and so that was very bad, b...

史蒂夫:是的,我是说切尔诺贝利的可怕事情,但那不是全世界的传播,而是在那里传播的。 Volk:是的,风确实把它传播到了北欧,所以情况非常糟糕,但这不是一个纯粹的全球平等传播。 Steve:那么,你怎么知道二氧化碳确实在世界范围内传播呢?...

2022-07-23   Intermediate
The Evolution of Evolution


Steve: I figured that probably had something do with it.$#10320#$10320#$ Why don't you tell everybody what the bigness is about [in] 2009.$#10320#$10320#$ Rennie: Well sure.$#10320#$10320#$ It's actu...

Steve:我想这可能跟这事有关。$#10320#$10320#$ 你为什么不告诉大家 2009 年有什么大事呢.$#10320#$10320#$ Rennie: 嗯,当然。$#10320#$10320#$ 这实际上是与进化论有关的周年纪...

2022-07-21   Intermediate
The Opera 'Doctor Atomic'


Steve: Benjamin Bederson is emeritus professor of physics at NYU. He will take us from the Manhattan Project itself to a discussion of the opera, Doctor Atomic. Bederson: I was at Los Alamos and I al...

Steve:Benjamin Bederson 是纽约大学物理学名誉教授。他将带我们从曼哈顿计划本身到讨论歌剧《原子博士》。 Bederson:我在洛斯阿拉莫斯,也去了天宁岛。我的特殊工作是帮助设计并测试我们与内爆透镜相关的电气开关,但这...

2022-07-19   Intermediate
Talk with the Manhattan Project Physicists


Steve: Now a few of the other Manhattan Project physicists: Murray Peshkin, Leonard Jossem, Roy Glauber, Al Bartlett, and Hans Courant. Peshkin: I am Murray Peshkin. I was among the very youngest peo...

Steve:现在是其他一些曼哈顿计划物理学家:Murray Peshkin、Leonard Jossem、Roy Glauber、Al Bartlett 和 Hans Courant。 Peshkin:我是 Murray Peshkin。...

2022-07-17   Intermediate
From Carbon to the Cretaceous


Steve: Hi Davide, good to talk to you. Castelvecchi: Hi Steve, great talking to you. Steve: So first of all, let's talk just for a moment about what is the AGU meeting. What are the kinds of subject...

Steve:嗨,Davide,很高兴和你交谈。 Castelvecchi:嗨,Steve,很高兴能和你交谈。 Steve:首先,让我们花点时间谈谈什么是 AGU 会议。他们在美国地球物理联盟会议上谈论的话题是什么? Castelvec...

2022-07-15   Intermediate
‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’


Derrickson: The original was 57 years ago and a lot of the elements of it, you know, needed to be updated for modern audiences and modern audience expectations and that sort of thing; but it is still ...

Derrickson:原版是 57 年前的,你知道,它的很多元素都需要根据现代观众和现代观众的期望等进行更新;但它仍然在很大程度上试图保留原版电影的各个方面和元素、标志性元素,当然还有原版电影的基本故事情节,这首先使它变得特别。所以把这两件...

2022-07-13   Intermediate
The Science of Pain


Mackey: I am also intrigued by this answer to the empathy. It has been verbally defined. One definition is: the observation of an action or perception or emotional state in an individual that activate...

Mackey:我也对这个关于同理心的回答很感兴趣。它已经被口头定义。一个定义是:对个人的动作、感知或情绪状态的观察,从而激活观察者的相应表征。让我给你举一个脚踏实地的例子,这就是我这样做的主要动力。我现在有一个 11 岁的儿子。这一切开始时...

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