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2022-08-12   Intermediate
About Apollo 8


Steve: One of the things that people still probably don't know about Apollo 8, which was at the time the biggest deal there had ever been in spaceflight. Battaglia: True. Steve: Today people remembe...

Steve:人们可能仍然不知道阿波罗 8 号的一件事,这是当时太空飞行史上最大的一笔交易。 巴塔利亚:是的。 Steve:今天人们记得阿波罗 11 号,但阿波罗 8 号才是真正破土动工的那一次,因为它是第一次将人类送出地球轨道的任务。 ...

2022-08-10   Intermediate
Stars of Cosmology III


Questioner 6: If I understood correctly, it is the dark energy that would make the universe less falsifiable in the future? Krauss: Yeah, well it would, yes it would change the picture of the future ...

发问者 6:如果我理解正确的话,是暗能量会让宇宙在未来不那么容易被证伪吗? 克劳斯:是的,嗯,是的,它会比其他任何事情都更能改变未来的图景,是的,暗能量是几乎以各种方式改变我们思维的罪魁祸首。 发问者 6: 机制是什么? Krauss...

2022-08-08   Intermediate
Stars of Cosmology II


Questioner 1: Do you think the idea of inflation really coming in our lifetime, be so well confirmed that it will fulfill the demands of the noble quality of physics and in that case which probe is mo...

发问者 1: 你认为膨胀的想法真的会在我们有生之年出现,并且是否得到如此充分的证实,它将满足物理学崇高品质的要求,在这种情况下,哪个探测器最有可能给出这些结果? Krauss:我认为通货膨胀的惊人之处在于它与我们所看到的完全一致,而关键问...

2022-08-06   Intermediate
Stars of Cosmology I


Krauss: The last decade has seen more revolutions in cosmology than perhaps the century before it, and our picture of the universe has changed completely, but at the same time we are at the threshold ...

克劳斯:过去十年,宇宙学的革命可能比前一个世纪还要多,我们对宇宙的描述已经完全改变了,但与此同时,我们正处于解决问题的门槛上,我认为可以公平地说,一代人之前,我们甚至不会,不仅没有人 [我们不会] 想问, 但从未想过会是可测试的。我们也许能...

2022-08-04   Intermediate
Darwin Day Special II


Rennie: It is a pleasure be here today with so many persons so illustrious and in some cases dead; but most especially, really, with all of you who are here in the crowd and who have taken the time to...


2022-08-02   Intermediate
Darwin Day Special I


(Richard Milner as Charles Darwin) How nice of you all to come on my birthday. Darwin is the name. Well I was born a naturalist. My father Dr. Robert Waring Darwin, a prosperous physician, did not co...

(理查德·米尔纳 饰 Charles Darwin) 你们在我生日那天来真是太好了。达尔文就是这个名字。嗯,我天生就是一个博物学家。我的父亲罗伯特·沃林·达尔文 (Robert Waring Darwin) 博士是一位成功的医生,他认为这...

2022-07-31   Intermediate
The Universe is Not Only Stranger than We Imagine


Steve: Which astronomers would dearly love to do because then maybe they could start explaining it to the rest of us right over here, wrap our little minds around [it]. Musser: Yeah, it's actually ki...

史蒂夫:天文学家会非常喜欢这样做,因为这样他们也许可以开始向我们这里的其他人解释它,让我们的小头脑围绕着它。 Musser:是的,这其实挺酷的。几十年来,实际上直到 10 年前或 15 年前,天文学的重点都是证明暗物质的存在——它存在的纯...

2022-07-29   Intermediate
Galaxies are the Building Block of the Universe


Steve: First let's talk about did you see any gadgets that really blew you away? Larry: I saw some interesting stuff, but not necessarily stuff that I would say blew me away; you know, I mean, there ...

Steve:首先,我们来谈谈你有没有看到什么真正让你大吃一惊的小玩意儿? Larry:我看到了一些有趣的东西,但不一定是我会说让我大吃一惊的东西;你知道,我的意思是,有些东西,比如香烟,是无烟香烟,你实际上可以抽烟,这是普通香烟的逆转。你...

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