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2022-08-28   Intermediate
The Science of Skin


Hillebrand: I'm a biochemist and I've been working in the skin aging area for most of my career, 22 years at P&G. We have had a very good understanding of the changes in the skin with age from a visib...

Hillebrand:我是一名生物化学家,在我职业生涯的大部分时间里,我一直在皮肤老化领域工作,在宝洁工作了 22 年。从肉眼的角度来看,我们对皮肤随年龄的变化有很好的了解。当然,我们会遇到细纹、皱纹、斑点等等,我们有非常复杂的方法来衡量这...

2022-08-26   Intermediate
In Search of Time II


Steve: Isn't it horrible to be stuck in Wednesday forever? Falk: It's so hard for me even to conceive of this system, but there is nothing wrong with it. You know, it's all right. I think it just mak...

Steve:永远被困在星期三不是很可怕吗? Falk:我甚至很难想象这个系统,但它没有任何问题。你知道,没关系。我认为这只是让计划,我可以想象它会让提前三天多的计划变成一场真正的噩梦,但我怀疑他们做的事情没有那么多是提前三天以上计划的。 ...

2022-08-24   Intermediate
In Search of Time I


Falk: You know, before I started researching this book, I thought Julius Caesar is dead—I think most of us thought Julius Caesar [is dead]—and then I spoke with a physicist named Julian Barbour a[n] i...

福尔克:你知道,在我开始研究这本书之前,我认为尤利乌斯·凯撒已经去世了——我想我们大多数人都认为尤利乌斯·凯撒已经死了——然后我和一位名叫朱利安·巴伯(Julian Barbour)的物理学家交谈,他是英国牛津附近的独立研究员,他说尤利乌斯...

2022-08-22   Intermediate
Why Evolution Is True


Steve: In the last chapter of the your book, you tell us the story at the beginning where you've just spoken to a group of businessmen and one of them comes up to you afterwards and says, "I thought y...

Steve:在你的书的最后一章中,你告诉我们开头的故事,你刚刚和一群商人交谈,其中一位后来走过来对你说,“我认为你提出了一个非常有说服力的论点,你所有关于进化论的证据,但我仍然不接受它。 Coyne:他说的是“我不相信”。所以,是的,我的...

2022-08-20   Intermediate
Some Stuff Saving New Brain Cells


Rennie: Derek and the nano Dominos. Steve: And we have this wonderful photo of a guy listening to apparently nothing because this radio is so small it is invisible. Rennie: That's right, that's righ...

Rennie:Derek 和 nano Dominos。 Steve:我们有一张很棒的照片,一个人显然什么都没听,因为这个收音机太小了,看不见。 Rennie:对,对。这是一个无线电,我的意思是,其中的碳纳米管我认为有 5000 亿分之...

2022-08-18   Intermediate
From Spooky Action to Tiny Radios


Steve: Before I get your comments again, I have two short readings from the article. One from this sidebar called "Many Worlds". Rennie: All right. Steve: "The many worlds interpretation [asserts] t...

Steve:在我再次收到您的评论之前,我从这篇文章中简要介绍了两篇文章。这个侧边栏中一个名为 “Many Worlds” 的。 Rennie:好的。 史蒂夫:“多世界解释 [断言] 量子测量实际上将宇宙分成多个分支,所有不同的结果都同时...

2022-08-16   Intermediate
Remarkable Creatures


Steve: So let's talk about Remarkable Creatures. This is your newest book. First of all, for anybody who hasn't read Making of the Fittest or Endless Forms, you should go out and read those immediatel...

Steve:那么我们来谈谈 Remarkable Creatures。这是你的最新书。首先,对于没有读过《适者》或《无尽形式》的人来说,你应该立即出去读一读,但是《非凡的生物——这是什么》呢?您为普通观众准备的最新作品是什么? 卡罗尔:这...

2022-08-14   Intermediate
The Instant Egghead Guide - The Mind


Steve: Instant Egghead Guide: Mind, and then we have the little Poindexter character on the cover, [and it says] "explain big ideas fast". So what are some of the big ideas in this book? Anthes: Oh! ...

Steve:Instant Egghead Guide: Mind,然后我们在封面上看到波因德克斯特的小角色,[上面写着] “快速解释大想法”。那么这本书中有哪些重要的思想呢? Anthes: 噢![A] 很多伟大的想法。你知道,从大脑各...

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