+ 影音搜索


2022-04-02   Intermediate
The Public Health Threat of Animal Diseases


Steve: Hey Phil. How are you? Phil: Good Steve. Steve: So you just got back from Europe. Where were you? Phil: I was in Salzburg attending the Salzburg Global Seminar on Animal and Public Health. ...

2022-03-31   Intermediate
Our Future in Space


Musser: Well the real impetus is that we've just come up to the fiftieth anniversary of the dawn of the space age, on October 5th?some people think it is October 4th, but actually it's October 5th, 19...

2022-03-29   Intermediate
Ethnobotany and the Search for Useful Plants


Steve: I'm sitting in Central Park with Nat Bletter. Nat is an ethnobotanist. Why don't you start off by explaining what ethnobotany is and what you do? Bletter: Okay. Thanks for having me on Steve. ...

2022-03-27   Intermediate
Can Fat Be Fit


Steve: Great. Thanks for having me here [at your]… place here. Let's talk about "Can Fat Be Fit?" is the title of the article, so that's an obvious good question for me to start with: Can fat be fit? ...

2022-03-25   Intermediate
What to Eat


Steve: One of the key points in the article is that it's very difficult to do nutrition research, about human nutrition. Why is that so difficult? Nestle: Well, everybody eats, first of all, and peop...

2022-03-23   Intermediate
‘The World Is Fat’


Steve: Hi Professor Popkin. How are you today? Popkin: Fantastic! Steve: Tell me about this article and this subject, "the world is fat." Obviously it's fat if you walk around the U.S. but the world...

2022-03-21   Intermediate
Is Your Food Contaminated


Steve: So, the article is called, "Is Your Food Contaminated?". Is my food contaminated? Fischetti:Well, I hope not personally. However, there seems to be a greater chance that it could be or at leas...

2022-03-19   Intermediate
The Revolution in Brain Science


Nicholson: One of the center points of the book is this idea of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, so I guess we should start by explaining what those are. Begley: Neuroplasticity means just what the ...

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