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2022-09-29   Intermediate
Atul Gawande Redux


Steve: You are a surgeon and a writer. What's your general background? I know your dad was a doctor too, from reading the book. Gawande: My parents are from India, but I was born and raised here, and...

Steve:您是一名外科医生和作家。您的一般背景是什么?我从读这本书中知道你爸爸也是一名医生。 Gawande:我的父母来自印度,但我在这里出生和长大,我一直知道我最终会以某种方式进入医学领域,尽管在很长一段时间里,我试图通过在政府工作来...

2022-09-27   Intermediate
Hello Moon


Steve: Ice water. Rennie: Yes. Steve: It would be nice and cool. Rennie: Refreshing. Steve: But we know, I do know, you have some TV appearances coming up. Rennie: Well, I guess that's right. Yea...

Steve:冰水。 Rennie:是的。 Steve:那会很好,很酷。 Rennie:令人耳目一新。 Steve:但我们知道,我确实知道,你即将在电视上露面。 Rennie:嗯,我想没错。是的,我马上就要上演了——今年夏天晚些时候...

2022-09-25   Intermediate
A Visit to the STRI - II


Steve: And fungus? King: This is a big spider. Voice1: Oh my God! King: There are actually two spiders there. You can see the female in the center; she is large. Steve: Male above. King: And the ...

Steve:那真菌呢? King:这是一只大蜘蛛。 Voice1:天哪! King:那里实际上有两只蜘蛛。你可以看到中间的雌性;她很大。 Steve:上图为男性。 King:还有上面的雄性,他很小。所以雌性大约有 3 英寸长,雄性...

2022-09-23   Intermediate
A Visit to the STRI - I


King: So, I think our plan is to head into the forest, and we're going to go on one of the main research highways that goes through this outdoor laboratory and ends up at the area of this permanent st...

King:所以,我认为我们的计划是进入森林,我们将沿着一条主要的研究高速公路行驶,穿过这个户外实验室,最终到达这个永久研究地点的区域。 Steve:当你说高速公路时,你实际上指的是什么? King:我这么说是因为岛上到处都有这种步道系统...

2022-09-21   Intermediate
The Truth About Cats & Dogs


Rennie: This is a story about the origins of the domestic house cat. Steve: And there are many millions of them across the country, perhaps some of them are even listening to this podcast. Rennie: I...

Rennie:这是一个关于家猫起源的故事。 Steve:全国有数百万人,也许他们中的一些人甚至在听这个播客。 Rennie:确实,但如果他们在听,你就知道他们不会听指示。 Steve:不,他们不会的。 Rennie:他们就是这样。 ...

2022-09-19   Intermediate
High Achievement High Schoolers II


Steve: Moyukh Chatterjee also goes to High Technology High School in Lincroft, New Jersey. Chatterjee: Well, basically for a while now, I've been interested in efficiency in industry. I really want t...

Steve:Moyukh Chatterjee 也在新泽西州林克罗夫特的高科技高中上学。 Chatterjee:嗯,基本上有一段时间了,我一直对工业效率感兴趣。我真的很想让事情变得更有效率;我是与太阳能打交道的孩子,想在太阳能电池板上工作...

2022-09-17   Intermediate
High Achievement High Schoolers I


Sruti: I studied the effect of cell phone and Bluetooth devices on simulated driving performance. Steve: And why did you decide to do this study and what did you find? Sruti: I started to conduct a ...

Sruti:我研究了手机和蓝牙设备对模拟驾驶性能的影响。 Steve:您为什么决定进行这项研究,您发现了什么? Sruti:我开始进行驾驶性能研究,因为作为一名 16 岁的孩子,我将成为一名未来的驾驶员,我想知道开车时用手机说话或在开车...

2022-09-15   Intermediate
What Makes Us Human


Rennie: "What Makes Us Human"—at least in a genetic sense. This cover story is a look at what information has been coming out of direct genetic comparisons of the chimpanzee genome and the human genom...

Rennie:“是什么让我们成为人类”——至少在遗传意义上是这样。这个封面故事是关于黑猩猩基因组和人类基因组的直接遗传比较得出的信息。所以我们知道黑猩猩代表了我们最近现存的动物亲戚,它们和它们的人类血统在大约 600 万年前就分道扬镳了。所...

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