+ 影音搜索


2022-10-15   Intermediate
Nuts, Bolts, Photons and Electrons of Solar Energy -Ⅱ


Steve: I know you did a big project at Fenway Park. What exactly did you do at Fenway? Wolfe: We put on a large solar hot water system that heats the water for their restaurants. There's quite a rest...

Steve:我知道你在芬威球场做了一个大项目。你在芬威大学具体做了什么? Wolfe:我们安装了一个大型太阳能热水系统,为他们的餐厅加热水。那里有相当多的餐厅综合体,在球赛和其他时间都开放。你知道太阳能热水系统有几个好处,我相信,它提供的...

2022-10-13   Intermediate
Nuts, Bolts, Photons and Electrons of Solar Energy -Ⅰ


Steve: Tell me about your personal background and how you got involved in this whole field. Wolfe: Back in 1973, I was 13 and the Arabs decided to embargo oil, and I actually built my first water sol...

Steve:请介绍一下您的个人背景以及您是如何涉足整个领域的。 Wolfe:早在 1973 年,我 13 岁,阿拉伯人决定禁运石油,我实际上在 73 年建造了我的第一个水太阳能集热器。它没有奏效;但我想可能是没有成功的事实推动了我从事工程...

2022-10-11   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) - Ⅵ


Steve: They're six years old!!! Beddini: No not six years old, but you know, they're basically, the youngest brother was barely in high school when he started working at Weta, and it's just amazing t...

Steve:他们六岁了!! Beddini:不,不是六岁,但你知道,他们基本上是最小的弟弟开始在 Weta 工作时还不到高中,他们能够做的事情真是太棒了。 Steve:最后,我首先在他的办公室与联合导演 Mike Thurmeier 进...

2022-10-09   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) - Ⅴ


Knapp: Well, here at Blue Sky, the art directors, most of the directors and the producers, we figure out the look of the movie; and so my responsibility is, sort of, overseeing the development of the ...

Knapp:嗯,在 Blue Sky,艺术总监、大多数导演和制片人,我们都会弄清楚电影的外观;所以我的责任是,在某种程度上,监督电影外观的艺术作品的开发。有时,在好日子里,如果时间允许,我也能贡献一些工作,但与设计师和色彩艺术家团队合作,他...

2022-10-07   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) - Ⅳ


Steve: What are the some of the, well, you talk about fur. I mean, I remember when this whole world started, I used to always hear people talk about how difficult it was to do water. But when you're d...

Steve:嗯,你谈到了毛皮。我的意思是,我记得当整个世界开始时,我总是听到人们谈论做水有多么困难。但是当你做皮草时,你知道,皮草的挑战是什么,只是 [它] 在任何单个生物体上都有这么多? Ludwig:嗯,[有]那个 [和] 在某种程度...

2022-10-05   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) - Ⅲ


(excerpts from Ice Age movie) The biggest event in two million years is about to go to a whole new dimension. voice 1: Nobody move a muscle. voice 2: We've been living above an entire world and we ...

(摘自《冰河世纪》电影) 200 万年来最大的事件即将进入一个全新的维度。 语音 1:没有人移动肌肉。 声音 2:我们一直生活在整个世界之上,我们甚至不知道。 声音 3:我觉得好渺小! 史蒂夫:在这一集中,我们将与蓝天研发团队见面...

2022-10-03   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) -Ⅱ


Steve: Is this mostly hard work and a little bit of fun or is it mostly fun and a little bit of hard work? Ludwig: I'd say it's actually mostly both. It is hard work, but when you have passion for wh...

Steve:这是主要是努力工作和一点点乐趣,还是主要是乐趣和一点点努力工作? Ludwig:我想说实际上大部分是两者兼而有之。这是一项艰苦的工作,但当你对你所做的事情充满热情时,这栋大楼里的大多数人都这样做,即使这是艰苦的工作,但它很有趣...

2022-10-01   Intermediate
Movie Magic (Ice Age - Dawn of the Dinosaurs) -Ⅰ


(Trailer for Ice Age movie) voice over: Ray Romano... Romano: He'll bounce back. It's one of the advantages of being Sid. voice over: John Leguizamo... Leguizamo: I'm a mommy! voice over: Denis L...

(冰河世纪电影预告片) 画外音:Ray Romano... 罗马诺:他会反弹的。这是成为 Sid 的优势之一。 画外音:John Leguizamo... Leguizamo:我是妈妈! 画外音:丹尼斯·利里...... Lea...

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