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2022-10-31   Intermediate
Minding Darwin's Beeswax


Berenbaum: Well, back in February, the results of [the] microarray analysis, we knew that we were seeing these potentially broken ribosomes in the bees afflicted with colony collapse disorder. Steve:...

Berenbaum:嗯,早在 2 月份,根据微阵列分析的结果,我们知道我们在患有蜂群崩溃症的蜜蜂身上看到了这些可能断裂的核糖体。 Steve:核糖体坏了! Berenbaum:你知道,核糖体是细胞中的蛋白质因子。每个细胞都有一个细胞核,...

2022-10-29   Intermediate
'Shoulder of Giants' Response


Mariette: One of the [amazing] things about science isn't it, how one thing leads to another, the famous "shoulder of giants" response. Steve: It was Newton who said, "If I can see farther, it's beca...

Mariette:科学的 [神奇] 之处之一不是它,一件事如何导致另一件事,即着名的“巨人肩膀”反应。 史蒂夫:牛顿说过,“如果我能看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上”,我相信是科学史学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿 (Gerald Holton)...

2022-10-27   Intermediate
To Bee or Not to Bee -Ⅱ


Steve: You bring up something that I've been meaning to get into for a long time and that is that science fiction features a lot of interspecies relationships. Berenbaum: I don't know what that says ...

Steve:你提到了我很长一段时间以来一直想深入探讨的事情,那就是科幻小说有很多物种间的关系。 Berenbaum:我不知道这说明了什么看电影的心理。 Steve:但他们看起来像人形,所以我们有点忽略了它,但确实如此。 Berenba...

2022-10-25   Intermediate
To Bee or Not to Bee -Ⅰ


Berenbaum: Honeybees, everybody thinks eats honey and pollen, but in reality they feed their grub something called bee bread, which is a mixture of honey and pollen packed into cells, and it cures or ...

Berenbaum:大家都认为蜜蜂吃蜂蜜和花粉,但实际上它们用一种叫做蜜蜂面包的东西来喂养它们的蛴螬,这种蜂蜜和花粉的混合物被包装在细胞中,它可以治愈或老化。令人怀疑的是,也许这些共生微生物中的一些正在促成蜂面包的加工。因此,在 Reed ...

2022-10-23   Intermediate
The Talk About Bees and What's Ailing Them -Ⅱ


It was called Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. it's only been known since 2004; it was described in Israel. But it wasn't quite right. It's called Paralysis Virus because the bees are paralyzed, but the...

它被称为以色列急性麻痹病毒。直到 2004 年才为人所知;它在以色列被描述。但这并不完全正确。它被称为麻痹病毒,因为蜜蜂瘫痪了,但这些蜜蜂并没有瘫痪——它们消失了,它们消失了。但在 83% 的受影响菌落中发现了它。然而,生物学家走进他们的冰...

2022-10-21   Intermediate
The Talk About Bees and What's Ailing Them -Ⅰ


Berenbaum: The organizer[s] asked if I would talk about an entomological mystery and how entomologists and other scientists go around solving mysteries; and specifically this mysterious disappearance ...


2022-10-19   Intermediate
About Neandertals and the Celiac Disease


Steve: And we've also discovered, because we now have some actual NeandertalDNA to work with, that they did have this particular gene, FOXP2 gene, that is correlated with our ability to speak, not tha...

Steve:我们还发现,因为我们现在有一些实际的尼安德特人 DNA 可以研究,他们确实有这个特定的基因,FOXP2 基因,这与我们的说话能力有关,并不是说我现在是一个很好的例子。但是没有这个的物种——几乎是其他所有人——无法真正表达出来。但...

2022-10-17   Intermediate
Swimming In Spacetime and Other Stories


Steve: And I'm here with Mariette DiChristina and you can see a lovely photograph of her in the Letter from the Editor column. The August issue has some fascinating stuff including the cover piece on ...

Steve:我和 Mariette DiChristina 一起在这里,你可以在“编辑来信”专栏中看到她的可爱照片。8 月刊有一些有趣的内容,包括关于尼安德特人的封面文章,那篇文章的作者 Kate Wong 就在这里,我们稍后会讨论。我们有...

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