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2022-11-16   Intermediate
‘Becoming Human’


Steve: So Graham, this is pretty exciting series of programs. Just give us a general idea of what the audience is going to be in for? Townsley: What we are trying to do in this NOVA series is a numbe...

Steve:Graham,这是一系列非常令人兴奋的节目。请给我们大致了解一下观众会喜欢什么? Townsley:我们在这个 NOVA 系列中试图做的是很多事情。我们试图创造、讲述人类进化的整个宏大故事,从我们与猿类分裂开始,再次导致我们自...

2022-11-14   Intermediate
The Dene Allows Humans to Digest Lactose


Hawks: When you have a new mutation, one of the things about it is that [if] it is selected [it] increases [extraordinarily] slowly for a long time. Our best [estimate of] the age of the lactase [vers...

Hawks:当你有一个新的突变时,其中一件事是 [如果] 它被选中 [它] 会在很长一段时间内 [非常] 缓慢地增加。我们欧洲人对乳糖酶 [版本] 年龄的最佳 [估计] 约为 8,000 年。五千年前,这些新石器时代早期的头骨或骨骼,那些是...

2022-11-12   Intermediate
Lucy's Legacy, The Quest for Human Origins


Steve: Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins with the discoverer of the world famous Australopithecus skeleton known as Lucy, Donald Johanson. The title is Lucy's Legacy. What is Lucy's legacy? ...

史蒂夫:露西的遗产:寻找人类起源与世界着名的南方古??骨骼发现者露西 Donald Johanson 一起。标题是 Lucy's Legacy。露西的遗产是什么? Wong:这意味着很多事情。首先,当约翰逊和汤姆·格雷在 1974 年发现...

2022-11-10   Intermediate
The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain


Stringer: Obviously there was an old view that when people got into Britain half a million years ago, they were always here right through to the present. And we now know that's completely wrong; [that...


2022-11-08   Intermediate
Brain Enhancement


Mariette: Well, many [of] you know the big force known as the baby boomers are all rich and, you know, the youngest of us are 45 and the oldest up until the—around the 60s now—and many of us are start...

Mariette:嗯,你知道的很多人都知道婴儿潮一代都是富有的,我们中最年轻的 45 岁,年龄最大的一直到 60 多岁左右,我们中的许多人开始考虑,你知道的——艰难的经济,必须保持我们的优势——我们在想, “我们有什么方法可以做到这一点?”...

2022-11-06   Intermediate
Talk with Film Director Jonathan Mostow


Musser: I just wanted to [ask] your thoughts on some of the sociological and kind of social-technical, technological themes of the film as you see them. What are the things you're really trying to bri...

Musser:我只是想 [询问] 你对这部电影的一些社会学和社会技术、技术主题的看法。你真正想通过这个项目带出什么东西? Mostow:嗯,你知道,有句老话说得好:如果你想发送消息,就用电报。我认为,如果你为了表达信息而开始制作电影,那总...

2022-11-04   Intermediate
Talk with Nobel Laureate Jack Szostak


The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine goes to Harvard's Jack Szostak, Johns Hopkins's Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn at U.C. San Francisco for their work on how chromosomes are protect...

2009 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予哈佛大学的 Jack Szostak、约翰霍普金斯大学的 Carol Greider 和加州大学旧金山分校的 Elizabeth Blackburn,以表彰他们在端粒和端粒酶如何保护染色体方面的工作。 ...

2022-11-02   Intermediate
About the Foray into Cartoons


Godwin: Well it's an exciting new opportunity for me. I'm a practicing neuroscientist and it was a challenge that was very attractive to try to put one of the most complex things in the universe into ...

Godwin:嗯,这对我来说是一个令人兴奋的新机会。我是一名执业的神经科学家,尝试将宇宙中最复杂的事物之一转化为插图叙述的形式,这是一个非常有吸引力的挑战。 Steve:那个复杂的东西就是我们的大脑。 戈德温:哦!绝对。 Steve:...

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