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2023-05-31   Intermediate
The Transit Connect Vehicle


Greenemeier: Now, what exactly was announced today? Probert: A slew of number of things, the big one of course was the reveal of the Focus electric so it goes in to production later this yea...

Greenemeier:那么,今天到底宣布了什么? Probert:很多事情,其中最重要的当然是 Focus electric 的发布,因此它将在今年晚些时候投入生产。 Greenemeier:他们将是全电动的。 Probert:是的...

2023-05-29   Intermediate
The Watson Computer Jeopardy! Challenge


Steve: Michael you were at a fascinating event just earlier today, why don't you tell us all about it? Moyer: It's right, I went up today a little bit up in the upstate New York to ...

Steve:Michael,您今天早些时候参加了一个有趣的活动,您为什么不告诉我们所有的事情呢? Moyer:没错,我今天在纽约州北部去了 IBM 的研究机构,在那里他们预览了 Watson Jeopardy!挑战,即 Watson 是一...

2023-05-27   Intermediate
Vinod Khosla, the Investor in Clean Technologies - Ⅱ


Khosla: So economic gravity is absolutely key, and this is back to main tech not clean tech. Yeah, so we can do these fringe things around electric cars, and we're very aggressively investing ...

Khosla:所以经济引力绝对是关键,这又回到了主要技术,而不是清洁技术。是的,因此我们可以围绕电动汽车做这些边缘工作,我们正在非常积极地投资电池。但我认为电动汽车在经济上没有意义。它们对 [特斯拉] 来说非常有意义。你知道,一辆 100,...

2023-05-25   Intermediate
Vinod Khosla, the Investor in Clean Technologies - Ⅰ


Fischetti: This is Vinod Khosla. I'm sure most of you know him. For the records, he is the founder of Khosla Ventures, and which does a lot of funding for the kinds of things you're all inter...

Fischetti:我是 Vinod Khosla。我相信你们中的大多数人都认识他。根据记录,他是 Khosla Ventures 的创始人,该公司为你们都感兴趣的各种事情提供了大量资金;而且,您知道,他还是 Kleiner Perkins...

2023-05-23   Intermediate
Self-Reflecting Machines - Self-Aware Robots


Choi: The thing that really drew my attention was work from roboticist Hod Lipson over at Cornell University. The title of his talk was "Self-Reflecting Machines" and talking about in...

Choi:真正引起我注意的是康奈尔大学机器人专家 Hod Lipson 的工作。他的演讲题目是“自我反射机器”,谈到了在机器人中安装自我意识,你怎么能不想了解更多呢? Steve:所以我们不是在镜子前谈论的自反光机器;我们谈论的是一台在某...

2023-05-21   Intermediate
Anna Deavere Smith - Let Me Down Easy - Ⅱ


Steve: I am fascinated with—[this is] something I asked Alan Alda about also—you have the text written for you extemporaneously by the people that you talk to. But still, when you're working,...


2023-05-19   Intermediate
Anna Deavere Smith - Let Me Down Easy - Ⅰ


Steve: Maybe an audience that you wouldn't expect to feel that way about a particular character or person. Smith: Right, that's right. Audience is who come to the theatre in New Yor...


2023-05-17   Intermediate
The Spewing’s of Titan; Light Pollution


Steve: Icy volcanoes? What are they spewing? Castelvecchi: They are spewing liquid water out of a world of ice. So imagine you have an icy surface, like you have in Antarctica or Greenland,...

Steve:冰火山?他们在喷什么? Castelvecchi:他们正在从冰的世界里喷出液态水。所以想象一下,你有一个冰冷的表面,就像你在南极洲或格陵兰岛一样,有一座火山喷出的不是熔岩,而是喷出液态水。 Steve:地表下发生了什么,你知...

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