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2021-12-09   Video
How Did Hawaii Form


Hawaii sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and nowhere near the edge of a tectonic plate where volcanoes are usually found. So how did the island chain form, with all of its volcanoes? The islan...

夏威夷位于太平洋中部,远不及通常发现火山的构造板块边缘。那么,岛链及其所有火山是如何形成的呢? 岛链位于一个由加热岩石的地幔羽流推动的热点上。地幔底部的固体岩石被行星的核心加热。 那块炽热的岩石慢慢上升并推高地壳,形成一个凸起。 在那...

2021-12-07   Video
Relative Sizes of Bacteria and Viruses


But you also know that viruses are sub-microscopic. They're exceedingly small. Let me give you some sense of the scale that we're talking about here in more human terms. Let's imagine that I am...

但你也知道 病毒是亚微观的。 它们非常小。 让我给你一些 规模感 我们正在谈论的 在这里用更人性化的术语来说。 让我们想象一下我是 size 您体内的单个细胞。 在这个尺度上,如果我要 表示单个单元格, 一种 Bre...

2021-12-03   Video
Scientists Learn from a Fish School


Researchers train high-speed video on schooling fish to track the motion of each individual, revealing how information and decisions travel through the group. Collective behavior is embodied in swa...

研究人员在成群的鱼身上训练高速视频,以跟踪每个个体的运动,揭示信息和决策如何在群体中传播。 集体行为体现在成群的昆虫、成群的鸟、成群的羚羊和成群的鱼。在每一种情况下,个体在他们的环境中移动并几乎同时对威胁和机会做出反应,形成一个起伏的...

2021-12-01   Video
The Mammalian Biological Clock


To illustrate the role of the Per's (period) and Cry's (cryptochrome). So what we have here are BMAL and CLOCK which are the positive activators actually of a set of at least 5 genes. All three Per ge...

为了说明 Per's(句号)和 Cry's(cryptochrome)的作用。所以我们这里有 BMAL 和 CLOCK,它们实际上是一组至少 5 个基因的阳性激活剂。根据基因实验,所有三个 Per 基因和两个 Cry 基因似乎都受到 CLO...

2021-11-29   Video
Cassini's Grand Finale


It’s the end of an era, more than a billion kilometers from Earth this week as the Cassini spacecraft plunges to its fiery death in the clouds of Saturn. I’m Mike Lemonick. Lee Billings: And I’m Le...

这是一个时代的结束,本周距离地球超过 10 亿公里,卡西尼号宇宙飞船在土星的云层中坠落,毋带相间。我是 Mike Lemonick。 Lee Billings:我是 Lee Billings。 Lemonick:当我还是个孩子的...

2021-11-25   Video
Measuring Circadian Activity in Drosophila


So I now have an animation to give you a flavor for not only the emergence from the pupal case but actually the locomotor activities, which are also affected. So here's a fruit fly in a tube, and that...

所以我现在有一个动画,不仅可以让您了解从蛹案例中出现的情况,还可以了解运动活动,这些活动也受到影响。所以这里有一只管子里的果蝇,那只果蝇在这里的 actogram 上跳来跳去,与 Joe 展示的 actograph 非常相似,当灯亮时,早上...

2021-11-23   Video
How a Salmonella Infection Begins


Nice motile salmonella screaming along here *sound effects of airplane* here she comes! Boom! Ok it’s got a type 3 secretion system, squirts in proteins, triggers major event -here she comes, and *gul...

漂亮的活动沙门氏菌在这里尖叫 *飞机的声音效果* 她来了!繁荣!好吧,它有一个 3 型分泌系统,喷入蛋白质,触发重大事件 - 她来了,然后*吞咽* 啊,满意吧?还没有教这些视频如何打嗝。好的,细菌在里面,这里有一个液泡进来,这是 Chris...

2021-11-19   Video
Kidney Function


The kidney filters an enormous amount of plasma, and in so doing, it has become the central site for the regulation of the ionic composition of the body. All of the ions such as sodium, potassi...

肾脏过滤器 大量的血浆, 在这样做的过程中,它 成为中心站点 为了监管 身体的离子组成。 所有的离子,如钠、 钾、氯化物、氢、 磷酸盐、钙、 等等 在其 肾脏重吸收。 现在尝试让我们 一些想法 肾脏在做什么,我会...

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