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2022-01-04   Video
Using p53 to Fight Cancer


The virus is derived from a typical cold virus, called an adenovirus. It infects, or begins to infect all cells. If the virus infects a normal cell, the DNA from the virus will get out of it and go to...

该病毒来源于一种典型的感冒病毒,称为腺病毒。 它感染或开始感染所有细胞。 如果病毒感染正常细胞,病毒的 DNA 将从中出来并进入细胞核。 但是,细胞有一种解毒剂 - 实际上是 p53。 一个肿瘤抑制基因,然后阻止病毒 DNA 复制,细胞存活...

2021-12-31   Video
To Stave Off Winter's Chill, Honeybees Hug


When temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many animals wait out winter by hibernating or migrating to warmer climates. But honey bees do something a little different to stay cozy. They hu...

当气温下降,白昼变短时, 许多动物通过冬眠来等待冬天 或迁移到更温暖的气候。 但是蜜蜂 做一些不同的事情来保持舒适。 他们拥抱。 蜜蜂晚些时候开始为冬天做准备 夏季和秋季。 雌性工蜂囤积足够的蜂蜜 为了让蜂巢在春天保持养料...

2021-12-29   Video
The Drosophila Biological Clock


So here's a figure of this, here's the per gene, here's its promoter. There's a ribosome, and this gene is now active, illustrated by this glow and the gene is producing messenger RNA which is being t...

所以这是一个数字,这是每个基因,这是它的启动子。有一个核糖体,这个基因现在是活跃的,从这种光芒中可以看出,这个基因正在产生信使 RNA,它被蛋白质合成机制转化为蛋白质,转化为周期蛋白。其中一些蛋白质分子不稳定,它们被细胞机制(粉红色的)降解...

2021-12-27   Video
Corals in a Hurricane - Deep Reefs under Threat


This is the ocean twilight zone. More than 30 metres below the surface, coral reefs still flourish in the gloom. But these deep reefs could be under threat from a powerful force: Hurricanes. Scient...

这是海洋暮光之城。在水面以下 30 多米处,珊瑚礁仍然在黑暗中蓬勃发展。但这些深礁可能受到一种强大力量的威胁:飓风。 科学家们早就知道,浅礁很容易受到飓风的攻击,随着风的搅动,珊瑚会撕裂。但人们认为暮光区的珊瑚礁受到了保护,免受最坏的...

2021-12-23   Video
Trinucleotide Repeat


So imagine this yellow portion is the portion where the tri-nucleotide repeat is, and as you know helicases open the DNA, the DNA polymerases copy it. So we're going to watch that repeat now get throu...

所以想象一下这个黄色部分是三核苷酸重复序列所在的部分,正如你所知,解旋酶打开 DNA,DNA 聚合酶复制它。所以我们现在要观察这个重复通过解旋酶,显示了这条单链。DNA 聚合酶在该重复序列上滑落并形成发夹。现在,随着这个过程的进行,你将看到...

2021-12-21   Video
How Coastal Communities Are Already Retreating from Rising Seas


As sea levels rise, hundreds of millions of people around the world will have to move to higher ground. The reality is that we can't hold back the water by surrounding ourselves with walls, and in...

随着海平面上升,数亿 的 人将不得不 移动到地势较高的地方。现实情况是 我们无法阻止水 用墙壁包围我们,并在 有些地方,洪水已经来了。 沿海社区努力适应 对上升的海平面开始做什么 曾经是不可想象的:撤退。但是什么 是否意味...

2021-12-17   Video
Mismatch Repair


There's a polymerase, a DNA polymerase, which copies both strands of the DNA, the top strand and the bottom strand. Sometimes those two strands are called Watson and Crick strands. But they're not per...

有一种聚合酶,一种 DNA 聚合酶,它可以复制 DNA 的两条链,即上链和下链。有时这两条链被称为 Watson 和 Crick 链。但正如我们刚才提到的,它们并不完美。有时他们会犯错。他们可能犯的错误是,你很快就会看到,掺入了错误的核苷酸...

2021-12-15   Video
How Can Scientists Help Make Cities More Sustainable


You’ve heard the numbers: More than half of the world’s people now live in cities, and in just a few decades more than two thirds of the globe’s rapidly growing population will be urban. Because citie...

您听说过这些数字:现在世界上一半以上的人口居住在城市,在短短几十年内,全球快速增长的人口中将有三分之二以上是城市人口。由于城市已经吸收了地球上的大部分资源并产生了大量废物,除非城市变得更加可持续,否则这些趋势可能会使地球变得悲惨。 研...

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