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2021-12-29   Video
The Drosophila Biological Clock


So here's a figure of this, here's the per gene, here's its promoter. There's a ribosome, and this gene is now active, illustrated by this glow and the gene is producing messenger RNA which is being t...

2021-12-27   Video
Corals in a Hurricane - Deep Reefs under Threat


This is the ocean twilight zone. More than 30 metres below the surface, coral reefs still flourish in the gloom. But these deep reefs could be under threat from a powerful force: Hurricanes. Scient...

2021-12-23   Video
Trinucleotide Repeat


So imagine this yellow portion is the portion where the tri-nucleotide repeat is, and as you know helicases open the DNA, the DNA polymerases copy it. So we're going to watch that repeat now get throu...

2021-12-21   Video
How Coastal Communities Are Already Retreating from Rising Seas


As sea levels rise, hundreds of millions of people around the world will have to move to higher ground. The reality is that we can't hold back the water by surrounding ourselves with walls, and in...

2021-12-17   Video
Mismatch Repair


There's a polymerase, a DNA polymerase, which copies both strands of the DNA, the top strand and the bottom strand. Sometimes those two strands are called Watson and Crick strands. But they're not per...

2021-12-15   Video
How Can Scientists Help Make Cities More Sustainable


You’ve heard the numbers: More than half of the world’s people now live in cities, and in just a few decades more than two thirds of the globe’s rapidly growing population will be urban. Because citie...

2021-12-13   Video
Ubiquitin and the Proteasome


So the little pink protein is ubiquitin and our yellow protein here is ataxin-1. For ubiquitin to be carried to proteins it needs a carrier, it's called the ubiquitin carrier enzyme. Once our ataxin h...

2021-12-09   Video
How Did Hawaii Form


Hawaii sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and nowhere near the edge of a tectonic plate where volcanoes are usually found. So how did the island chain form, with all of its volcanoes? The islan...

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