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2022-05-08   Video
What Is Life


Life is fundamentally different from dead stuff—or is it? Physicist Erwin Schrödinger defined life this way: Living things avoid decay into disorder and equilibrium. What does this mean? ...

2022-05-06   Video
Learning from Mice - The Science of Transgenic Technology


What do humans, flies, and worms have in common? More than you might think. In fact, even scientists have been amazed to find that the genes that control early development in fruit fli...

2022-05-04   Video
Building Blocks of DNA


A, C, G, and T. Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. These are the four chemical building blocks of the DNA molecule. They are components of nucleic acid, which gives DNA its ton...

2022-05-02   Video
Nuclear Energy Explained


Have you ever been in an argument about nuclear power? We have, and we found it frustrating and confusing, so let’s try and get to grips with this topic. [Intro] It all started in the 1...

2022-04-30   Video
Leptin Feedback Control System


So at equilibrium, at your normal weight, leptin is made and you're eating different types of food. Now let's imagine you were starving or you went on a diet, your fat mass would contract ...

2022-04-28   Video
Why We Should NOT Look For Aliens


The Universe is incredibly big and seems full of potential for life, with billions of habitable planets. If an advanced civilization had the technology to travel between the stars, at just 0.1% of ...

2022-04-26   Video
Frog Tongues Slurp Supper


This cricket is about to be dinner. New research reveals what makes a frog's tongue such a formidable weapon. Since the entire attack takes less than a tenth of a second the researchers set up hi...

2022-04-24   Video
PPAR-gamma Activation in the Fat Cell


What I'm going to show you is the adipose tissue, which was next to some muscle tissue, and we zoom in on it, we see that the adipose tissue is composed of millions of individual cells. ...

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