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2024-08-14   British English
A History of Uranium Prices' Meltdowns, Part 1


Finance and economics. Buttonwood. A history of meltdowns. Uranium prices are soaring. Investors should be careful. It is, by now, a familiar story. A metal previously only traded in a sle...

财经 梧桐树 价格崩溃的历史 铀的价格正在飙升。投资者应该谨慎行事。 到目前为止,这是一个耳熟能详的故事。 一种以前只在大宗商品市场的沉睡角落里进行交易的金属,现在对能源转型至关重要。 供应受限和地缘政治角力符合...

2024-08-12   British English
The High End Cinemas is Thriving


Culture. Meet me at the movies. Go big or go home. Cinemas may be dying. But the high end is thriving. The box office has a bad case of long covid. Worldwide takings last year were a quarter ...

文艺 电影院见 要么做大 要么回家 电影院或许正在消亡 但高端影院正在蓬勃发展 电影票房染上了一个久病不愈的新冠肺炎。去年,全球票房收入比疫情前的峰值低了四分之一。2000年,美国每人去电影院的次数超过五次,而去年只有不到三...

2024-08-10   British English
Working from Nowhere, Part Two


Home is heaving, the office is off-putting. What about other places, like co-working spaces and coffee shops? These too have got worse since the pandemic, for two reasons. First, there is mor...

家里人太多,办公室太讨厌。那么其他地方呢?比如共享办公室和咖啡馆?但这两个地方自疫情以来也变得更糟,原因有两个。 首先,对空间的竞争更加激烈。所有难以集中注意力的其他人都有同样的想法,那就是前往第三个地方。第二,在线会议使随时随地联系...

2024-08-08   British English
Working from Nowhere, Part One


Business. Bartleby. Working from nowhere. Every location has got worse for actual work. Work would be so much better if you could get work done. It has always been hard to focus amid the stac...

商业 巴托比 无处可办公 所有地方都变得更难去真正工作。 如果能好好完成工作,工作就会变得让人舒心很多。开会让工作节奏断断续续,各种消息不停累积,或者只是同事风风火火地走过而带来干扰,在这些情况下总是很难集中注意力。 ...

2024-08-06   British English
The Citizenship Amendment Act


Narendra Modi prides himself on getting things done. Yet when it came to implementing the Citizenship Amendment Act(CAA), a campaign pledge of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), his government dragg...

纳伦德拉·莫迪非常自豪自己能完成总理一职的公务。然而,在落实印度人民党(BJP)的竞选承诺《公民身份法修正案》(CAA)时,莫迪政府却行动迟缓。 CAA法案早在四年前就已通过,具体实施规则在今年3月11日才公布,根据该法案,一些受宗教...

2024-08-04   British English
Does the Sphere Showcase the Future of Concerts, Part 2


From another angle, it is part of the evolution of the modern rock concert, which since the 1960s has combined light and sound to transport fans into another dimension. At a show your correspondent...

从另一个角度来看,这是现代摇滚演唱会一个发展演变,自20世纪60年代以来,摇滚演唱会就用声光电,将粉丝带入另一个奇境。 笔者在去年10月在球体馆观看了一场演出,有几个时刻让笔者有了如临仙境的体验。(场馆中有一个安静的房间,里面摆满了懒...

2024-08-02   British English
Does the Sphere Showcase the Future of Concerts, Part 1


Culture. Live performances. Two-billion-dollar baby. Does the Sphere showcase the future of concerts? Nestled between hotels and conference centres, a short walk from the Las Vegas strip...

文艺 现场演出 两百万美元宝贝 球体场馆展示了演唱会的未来样貌吗? 在各大酒店和会议中心之间,离赌城大道不远就能看到一个巨大的、睁大眼睛的表情符号。有时它是一个巨大的、超现实的眼球,有时是一个篮球或一团火焰。 这个建筑叫球...

2024-07-31   British English
States Fight for the Right to Squeeze Athletes and Remote Workers


Finance and economics. Job taxes. Ballpark figures. States fight for the right to squeeze athletes (and remote workers). Sports are big business in America. The country's four largest profess...

财经 职业税 棒球场数据 美国各州都在争取压榨运动员(和远程工作者)的权利。 在美国,体育是一门大生意。美国的四大职业联赛每年收入约为450亿美元,占全球职业联赛总收入的一半以上。这创造了大量高薪体育明星,也为政府带来了创收...

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