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2024-08-30   British English
The Seine's Role in Paris's Culture and Economy, Part 2


Different users of the River Seine today, though, collide in their expectations. The City of Light draws tourists seeking to conjure romance and delight from unspoilt views. Too many hulking car...

然而,如今塞纳河的不同使用者的期望发生了冲突。这座光明之城吸引着游客,游客们希望从未受破坏的景色中唤起浪漫和愉悦的感受。太多笨重的货船快速驶过巴黎圣母院或艺术桥,可能会妨碍游客观光。 在最近的一个工作日,一艘船在圣路易岛附近搁浅,结果...

2024-08-28   British English
The Seine's Role in Paris's Culture and Economy, Part 1


Culture. The Paris Olympics. The river runs through it. The Seine's vital role in Paris's culture and economy will outlast the games. "I was born on a boat," says Jacky Delannoy, a 66-ye...

文艺 巴黎奥运会 川流不息 塞纳河在巴黎文化和经济中的重要作用将比奥运会延续更久 “我在一条船上出生,”66岁的船长杰基·德拉努瓦说,他站在一艘停泊在巴黎码头的集装箱船的舰桥上。“我妈妈没能及时上岸,所以我是在船上出生的。”...

2024-08-26   British English
The Vision Pro Marks a New Era of AI-powered Gadgetry, Part 3


All these devices are nifty. Whether they are nifty enough to dislodge the smartphone and become the next big platform is another matter. For that to happen, consumers must take to them. This...

所有这些设备都很小巧实用。但它们是否实用到足以取代智能手机,成为下一个大平台,则是另一回事。要实现这一点,消费者必须喜欢上它们。 这首先要求产品外观好看,早期有一些类似的产品失败了,比如呆板的谷歌眼镜,就是因为没有做到这一点。r1的时...

2024-08-24   British English
The Vision Pro Marks a New Era of AI-powered Gadgetry, Part 2


PCs did even worse, declining by 15% in 2023 to 242m units. Cash-strapped consumers are opting for cheaper alternatives, such as second-hand devices, or holding on to their current ones for longer....

个人电脑的表现更糟,2023年下降了15%,只有2.42亿台。手头拮据的消费者正在选择更便宜的替代品,比如二手设备,或者更长时间地使用现有设备。 科技公司的希望是,人们可能会被说服为全新的设备买单,因为新设备提供了旧设备所没有的东西。...

2024-08-22   British English
The Vision Pro Marks a New Era of AI-powered Gadgetry, Part 1


Business. Technology. After the iPhone. The Vision Pro marks a new era of AI-powered gadgetry. It is not alone. Apple fans have eagerly awaited February 2nd to get their hands on the tech gian...

商业 科技 iPhone之后 Vision Pro开启了AI电子设备的新时代,但划时代的产品不止它一个。 果粉们热切期待着2月2日,想要上手试试这家科技巨头的最新产品:一款名为Vision Pro的新型增强现实头显设备。早期...

2024-08-20   British English
Energy is a Superpower, Part Two


Talk to people who have made the leap to CEO and they will frequently comment on how intense the job is, and how hard it is to switch off. Most organisations are pyramids. As decisions get tough...

与那些实现了职位跃升、成为CEO的人交谈时,他们经常会说CEO的工作压力多么大,以及自己想关机休息一下是多么困难。 大多数组织都是金字塔结构。 随着决策变得更加艰难和更加重要,做出决策的重担也落在越来越少的人身上。 随着这...

2024-08-18   British English
Energy is a Superpower, Part One


Business. Bartleby. Klopped out. From football managers to CEOs energy is a superpower. Jurgen Klopp is a football manager. That means there is a limit to how much he can teach corporate bosses...

商业 巴托比 克洛普能量耗尽 从足球经理到CEO,精力充沛是一种超能力。 尤尔根·克洛普是一名足球经理。这意味着他能给公司老板提出的如何做好工作的指导是有限的。公司的经理们一般不会成为下属的替身父母,不会在会议取得圆满成功后...

2024-08-16   British English
A History of Uranium Prices' Meltdowns, Part 2


Little wonder that investors are pouring in. Yet there are reasons for caution, which start with the supply crunch. Although Niger's coup was dramatic, the country is only the seventh-largest ur...

难怪投资者蜂拥而至。 然而,有理由保持谨慎,首先就是供应的短缺。 尽管尼日尔的政变是戏剧性的,但该国只是第七大铀供应国,而且目前还不清楚产量是否会永久减少。此外,许多国家的政府有库存,通常是出于国防目的,但也可以释放出来用于民用...

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