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2024-06-03   British English
Insulin Prices in the United States, Part Two


These deals are eye-catching, but when patients turn up at pharmacies, they may find they cannot grab a bargain. Shaina Kasper of T1International, an advocacy group for diabetes patients, is a type...


2024-06-01   British English
Insulin Prices in the United States, Part One


“Move to the back if you’ve lost your life savings to the drug companies,” shouts a woman walking by your correspondent. A spirited group follows her to the end of a long queue for a Senate hearing...

走过记者身旁的一位女士喊道:“如果你因为制药公司而失去了一生的积蓄,请到后面排队。”5月10日,一群精神抖擞的人跟在她后面,排着长队等待参议院关于胰岛素价格的听证会举行。 在会议室里,美国大型制药公司—礼来制药厂的大卫·瑞克斯作证说,...

2024-05-30   British English
An Unprecedentedly Large Wave of Mass Migration, Part 2


Many governments are also trying to attract more people. Canada has a target to welcome 1.5m new residents in 2023-25. Germany and India recently signed an agreement to allow more Indians to wor...

2024-05-28   British English
An Unprecedentedly Large Wave of Mass Migration, Part 1


Finance and economics. Exodus. An unprecedentedly large wave of mass migration is under way. Last year 1.2m people moved to Britain—almost certainly the most ever. Net migration (ie, immigrants ...

财经 大迁徙 一场规模空前的移民潮正在进行中。 去年有120万人移居英国,几乎肯定是有史以来最多的一年。澳大利亚的净移民(即移入减去移出)是疫情前的两倍。西班牙的这一数字最近创下历史新高。预计今年美国的净移民将接近140万,比疫...

2024-05-26   British English
Dominic Raab, Bully or Victim, Part Two


The investigation found no evidence that Mr. Raab shouted or swore at people, or that he targeted individual civil servants. Mr. Tolley was unpersuaded by allegations from officials that he made th...

调查没有发现拉布对人大喊大叫或咒骂他人的证据,也没有证据表明他针对个别公务员。 公务员们指控拉布做出了威胁性的肢体动作,包括猛拍桌子、把手伸到某人的脸跟前以让他们闭嘴,托利对此并不信服。这位律师写道,“伸手”的动作并不像声称的那样盛气凌人...

2024-05-24   British English
Dominic Raab, Bully or Victim, Part One


Business. Bartleby. Dominic Raab, bully or victim? If enough people think you’re a bad boss, then you are a bad boss. A fascinating case study on the exercise of power within an organisation ...

商业 巴托比 多米尼克·拉布是职场恶霸还是受害者? 如果有足够多的人认为你是一个糟糕的老板,那么你就是一个糟糕的老板。关于在组织内部行使权力的一个有趣的案例研究刚刚在英国得出结论。4月21日,多米尼克·拉布辞去了英国副首相兼司法...

2024-05-22   British English
Wages in Japan are Finally Rising


Finance and economics. 28 Years Later. After decades of stagnation, wages in Japan are finally rising. Kasahara Yoshihisa, boss of Higo Bank, a lender in Japan’s south, beams with pride as he exp...

财经 28年之后 在经历了数十年的经济停滞之后,日本的工资终于开始上涨。 笠原义久是日本南部的肥后银行的老板,当他解释提高工资的计划时,他脸上洋溢着自豪的笑容。该公司的员工薪水将上涨3%,还会基于资历而定期涨薪。但当被问及员工上...

2024-05-20   British English
Hollywood Screenwriters' Strike, Part Two


The second problem lies with “residuals”—what a writer gets paid each time an episode or film they worked on is rebroadcast. In the Netflix era, films and TV shows can be rebroadcast on demand. ...

第二个问题是“追加酬金”——作家制作的一集电视剧或一部电影每被重播一次就会得到报酬。在网飞时代,电影和电视节目可以按需重播。作家们认为,该行业尚未找到一种公平的方法来调整他们的支付系统,以适应这种巨大的变化。 整个好莱坞都感受到了作家...

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