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2021-11-09   British English
America's Supreme Court Wallops the Biotech Industry


Business 【Patenting biology】 Prometheus unsound 【America's Supreme Court wallops the biotech industry】 PATENTS are supposed to encourage innovation, not stifle it. On March 20th America's Supreme ...

商业 生物技术专利 被缚的普罗米修斯 美国最高法院沉重打击生物技术产业 专利本是用来鼓励创新,而不是扼杀。3月20日,美国最高法院撤销了两个医药专利,就是为了达到后者的目的。对梅奥医疗机构和普罗米修斯实验室的判决是毫...

2021-11-08   British English
Infantile Anaemia - Blood Simple


Science and Technology 【infantile anaemia】 Blood simple 【A small change in how babies are delivered might abolish infantile anaemia】 CHILDHOOD anaemia is a problem. Around the world, almost a quar...

科技 婴儿贫血 简单的输血 分娩方式的简单改变可能帮助消灭婴儿贫血 儿童贫血症是一个全球性的问题,将近四分之一的五岁以下儿童忍受着该病的折磨,使得我们无法忽视它。儿童身体和智力的发育,都会受到铁元素匮乏的影响,因为除...

2021-11-06   British English
Corporate Culture - The View from the Top, and Bottom


Corporate culture - The view from the top, and bottom.Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree. AS WALMART grew into the world’s largest retailer, its staff were subjected to a l...

企业文化 老板与员工的意见分歧 老板们认为公司对员工关怀备至,但其下属却不以为然。 随着沃尔玛发展成为全球最大零售商,其员工在工作的各方各面都受到了一大堆规则的限制。如今,沃尔玛已经认识到其以规则为基础的公司文化过于死板,...

2021-11-04   British English
Welcome to the Anthropocene


Welcome to the Anthropocene. Humans have changed the way the world works. Now they have to change the way they think about it, too. THE Earth is a big thing; if you divided it up evenly among its 7 ...

欢迎来到人类纪 人类改变了世界运行方式,现在,人类不得不改变他们思考世界的方式 地球是个庞然大物。如果你把它均分给其间的70亿居民,每个人能分到近1万亿吨。表面看来,一个渺小的物种,生命不及地球的万分之一,在其表面跑跑跳跳竟能永...

2021-11-02   British English
Current Plans to Raise the Retirement Age are not Bold Enough


70 Old Bust.Current plans to raise the retirement age are not bold enough.PUT aside the cruise brochures and let the garden retain that natural look for a few more years. Demography and declining inve...

要么70岁退休,要么破产 目前提高退休年龄的计划不够大胆 先将海上巡游的宣传册放一放,让花园的自然面貌多保持几年吧!人口结构和日益减少的投资回报导致你要工作长得多的时间,超出你以往的预期。 这一痛苦的事实在发达国家已经不是...

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