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2021-12-16   British English
Bank to Square One


Business; Face value; Bank to square one; Ken Moelis believes that small is beautiful when it comes to investment banking; The first investment bank where Ken Moelis worked—Drexel, Burnham, Lambert—...

商业;商业精英;回到原点的银行; 肯·莫里斯认为对于投行来说“做小”是件好事; 肯·莫里斯工作过的第一家银行Drexel, Burnham, Lambert壮烈地倒下了。另外几家老雇主Donaldson, Lufkin & Je...

2021-12-14   British English
Psychology - How Dead is Dead


Science and Technology. Psychology. How dead is dead? Sometimes, those who have died seem more alive than those who have not. IN GENERAL, people are pretty good at differentiating between the quic...

科技 心理学 怎样死才算死? 有时,死人似乎比活人更"活"。通常,人们都比较擅长分辨生者与死者。然而,现代医学技术创造了第三个选项——永久性植物人状态。处于这种状态的人,其大脑因意外或中风而严重受损。这经常意味着他们没有希...

2021-12-12   British English
Medical Firms Struggle to Profit from Weight-loss Treatments


Business. Diet products. A big, bad business. Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments. OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. More than two-thirds of ...

商业 减肥商品 点肥成金不现实 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 肥胖症对某些人来说是传染病,对别的一些人来说则是机遇。超过三分之二的美国人已经超重。 找个办法和肥胖对抗,说必定就此大赚一笔。2月22日,Vivus...

2021-12-10   British English
LinkedIn Offers a New Way to Look at Employment


Business. A pixelated portrait of labour. LinkedIn offers a new way to look at employment. OFFICIAL statistics can tell you how many workers were jobless last month, how many had college degrees an...

商业 就业市场"高清"图 LinkedIn让你用全新的角度看待就业 官方统计数据能够告诉你上个月有多少人失业,多少个有大学文凭及多少人从事建筑业。但这些数据却无法告诉你有多少人会使用Hadoop这个如今需求量甚大的数据管理...

2021-12-08   British English
Finance & Economics - Drain or Gain


Finance & Economics, Economics focus Drain or gain? Poor countries can end up benefiting when their brightest citizens emigrate. WHEN people in rich countries worry about migration, they tend to t...

财经科学 经济聚焦 人才外流,是得还是失 穷国最终会从人才外流中获益 发达国家担心移民,他们通常考虑的是对收入要求较低的移民会和他们竞争就业岗位,例如建筑工人,洗碗工或是农场工人。而发展中国家担心移民,则通常考虑的是,他们...

2021-12-06   British English
Queen Elizabeth II


Books and Arts; Book Review; Queen Elizabeth II; Royal bow;Why the queen has to be seen to be believed? The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. By Andrew Marr. Queen Elizabe...

文艺;书评;伊丽莎白二世; 向女王致敬;女王为什么要与众不同? 《真实的伊丽莎白:近观伊丽莎白二世》安德·鲁马尔着。 《伊丽莎白二世:她生活在我们这一代》莎拉·布莱德福德着。 《女王一生简观》罗伯特·拉西着。 ...

2021-12-04   British English
A Water Filter that Kills Bacteria


Science and Technology 【Clean water 】 Silver threads of life 【A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them 】 MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases t...

科技 清洁水源 生命的银丝带 新滤水器能够消灭细菌,而不单单是排除细菌 超过十亿人口缺少饮用水,并且在绝大多数情况下缺少的只是纯净的水,而不是水本身。其结果是给人们带来了疾病,特别是每年夺取数百万儿童性命并使更多的儿...

2021-12-02   British English
How Linguistic Software Helps Companies Catch Crooks


Business.Corporate fraud.Mind your language.How linguistic software helps companies catch crooks.IN THE film "Superman 3", a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor, pictured) embezzles a f...

商业 公司欺诈行为 谨言慎行 语言识别软件帮助公司擒获不法之徒 在电影《超人3》中,一位地位低的电脑程序员(理查德·普莱尔饰演.如图)盗走雇主一大笔钱。老板悲伤至极,哀嚎着抓住窃贼可不容易,因为"窃贼可不会显露自己的踪迹,除非他...

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