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2022-01-11   British English
Business - Insulting Advertisements


Business. Insulting advertisements. Ad hominem. When rudeness sells. THE Israeli government recently raised an interesting question for advertisers: whom can you safely insult? "American Jews" ...

商业 侮辱性广告 人身攻击 以冒犯为卖点 最近,以色列政府提出了一个对广告商来说很有意思的问题:什么人你可以冒犯而没有风险?美国的犹太人,这是一个错误的答案。 在一段力促犹太人回到以色列去的广告片中,一个犹太男...

2022-01-09   British English
How to Make College Cheaper


Business.Schumpeter. How to make college cheaper. Better management would allow American universities to do more with less. DEREK BOK, a former president of Harvard, once observed that “universitie...

商业 熊彼特 怎样才能让大学更便宜一些 改善下管理就能让美国大学少花钱多办事 哈佛前校长德里克·博克曾经注意到,“大学与病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们有一个共同特征:永远没有足够的钱来满足他们的欲望。”这对于病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们...

2022-01-07   British English
In American Science, Race Affects the Chance of Getting a Grant


Science and Technology. Racial discrimination in science. A black and white answer. In American science, race affects the chance of getting a grant. YOU might expect that science, particularly Am...

科技 科学界也有种族歧视 黑人,白人 在美国科学界,种族影响得到拨款的几率 也许你以为科学界、特别是美国的科学界是无种族歧视的。这个国家一些少数族裔的人当科学家的比例比那些少数族裔在人口中所占比例要小,尽管这个事实就...

2022-01-05   British English
Apple Should Give Cash Back to Shareholders


Business. How to spend it. The tech giant should give cash back to shareholders. NOT long after Steve Jobs died last year, wags eulogised the Apple co-founder with a joke: "Ten years ago we had St...

商业 钱多了该怎么花 巨额现金流应该部分返还股东 苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯去年病逝后不久,就有这样一个赞颂他的笑话流行起来:"10年前,我们有史蒂夫·乔布斯, 鲍勃·霍普和约翰尼·卡什,现在呢,手头没有工作(乔布斯姓J...

2022-01-03   British English
Commercial Property Bounced Back in the Best Locations


Prime numbers. Commercial property has bounced back, but only in the best locations. IN SOME corners of the commercial-property market a slight whiff of self-congratulation is in the air. Doom-lad...

顶级商业房产,如质数般稀少 商业地产已经复苏,但是只在黄金地带 在商业地产市场的某些角落里,空气中漂浮着一丝自得的气息。商业地产将会是“下一只掉落的鞋子”——这条2008年和2009年初发出的警告并没有最终成为现实。那些希望靠出...

2022-01-01   British English
Can a Vaccine Stop Drug Abuse


Science and Technology. Combating addiction. Can a vaccine stop drug abuse? It may be possible to vaccinate people against addictive drugs. THE idea of vaccinating drug addicts against their affli...

科技 打击毒瘾 疫苗能阻止药物滥用吗? 人们也许能通过疫苗来阻止成瘾药物的使用 对药物滥用者进行免疫来对抗他们受到的折磨是一个吸引人的课题。原理上,这应该不会太难。免疫系统可以部分参与产生那些针对某些有害分子的抗体。...

2021-12-30   British English
Human Evolution - You Look Familiar


Science and Technology. Human evolution. You look familiar. Another piece of humanity’s family tree is fitted into place. THE opening scene of Mel Brooks’s film “History of the World: Part One” dis...

科技 人类进化史 似曾相识 南方古猿sediba的发现填补了人类家族谱系的关键空白 梅尔·布鲁克斯执导的电影“世界史:序幕”开场仅用一句话就概括了人类起源:“类人猿直立起来,变成了人类。” 要是古生物学家也能如此轻而易举地...

2021-12-28   British English
Family Life in Plesiosaurs


Science and Technology. Prehistoric reptiles. A loving mother. Family life in plesiosaurs. THE Mesozoic land was dominated by dinosaurs. At sea, though, the most abundant reptiles were the icht...

科技 史前爬行动物 慈母 蛇颈龙的家族生活 中生代时期,恐龙统治着陆地。但是在海里,最繁盛的爬行动物要属鱼龙和蛇颈龙了。大致上讲,这些动物填补了由现代齿鲸目动物海豚和虎鲸所占据的生态龛位。 鱼龙看上去的确有点象...

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