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2022-03-02   British English
I, Robot-manager


Business. Schumpeter. I, robot-manager. Management thinkers need to ponder more about homo-robo relations. ROBOTS have been the stuff of science fiction for so long that it is surprisingly hard t...

商业 熊彼特 人与机器人的管理 管理思想家需要考虑更多关于人与机器人的关系 机器人已经被认为是科幻的东西太久了以至于把他们看作管理事实的东西惊人地难。一为捷克剧作家Karel Capek在1920年给他们取了名字(来自...

2022-02-28   British English
The Effects of America's Worst Property Crash


The effects of America's worst property crash go very wide. TO THE many dubious distinctions of Las Vegas, add one more: foreclosure capital of America. According to RealtyTrac, a property-listings...

房地产崩盘连锁效应,情况还能更坏? 拉斯维加斯的诸多不安因素又添了一个:取消住宅赎回权的资本。根据房地产上市公司RealtyTrac,去年城中每十座住宅就有一所被取消赎回权,几乎是全国平均水平的五倍。在北拉斯维加斯相对贫穷的郊区,这个...

2022-02-26   British English
AT&T’s Ambitious Bid to Reshape America’s Wireless Market


Business. Mobile telecoms in America. An audacious merger with a poor reception. AT&T’s ambitious bid to reshape America’s wireless market has spooked rivals. But it faces significant hurdles. PE...

商业 美国移动通讯业 联姻大胆,反响不佳 AT&T的竞标雄心勃勃,意在重塑美国无线通讯市场,竞争对手惊慌失措。但并购也面临重大阻碍 在美国,AT&T移动电话网络质量不稳常遭人取笑,那些以此为乐的人,本周有了新鲜笑料。3月2...

2022-02-24   British English
Online Media Distribution - Raging Bulls


Business. Online media distribution. Raging bulls. Music and television firms fret about their distributors’ new business models. RELATIONS between the companies that create media products and th...

商业 网络媒体分销 愤怒的“公牛” 媒体产品制造商与分销商一向不睦,双方围绕媒体内容售价,常年争执不休,而随着数字分发改变媒体格局,吵得更是不亦乐乎。媒体巨头就像老拳击手,一把年纪了还要两次爬进拳击场,与高科技公司一决雌雄,后者貌似正...

2022-02-22   British English
Germany's Victorious Greens


Europe. Germany's victorious Greens. A greener future? Two state elections have upturned German politics. THE Greens are the “against party”. They are against a flashy rail project in Stuttgart, a...

欧洲 德国 明天会更绿? 两个州的选举反转德国政局 德国的绿党是个“反对党”。他们反对斯图加特花哨的铁路工程,反对核能,而且据他们批评者称,他们反对发展进步。然而,就在3月27号这一天,他们的反抗获得了惊人的回报。西南部两个州举...

2022-02-20   British English
Britain, Anti-bribery Laws


Britain. Anti-bribery laws. Palms ungreased. A long-delayed anti-bribery law will soon come into force. THERE is a lingering assumption among Britons that their country stands for probity and fa...

英国 反商业贿赂法 揩油 姗姗来迟的反贿赂法即将生效 英国人一直自矜的认为他们的国家建立在正直和公正的基石上。然而国外的反应却不尽如此。反腐竞选人依旧利用Tony Blair2006年的决定拒绝调查与Saudi Arabia的一...

2022-02-18   British English
Britain, Budget


This was not the radical reforming budget it had been billed as. But its heart was in the right place “THIS is not a tax-raising budget. But nor can we afford a giveaway.” Thus George Osborne, the ...

虽不如它所标榜的“激进的、革新的预算”,但其动机还是积极的。 “这不是一个增税的计划,但我们也负担不起减税了。”在3月23日,现任英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本,提出了他的第二套财政紧缩预算。早在去年六月奥斯本的紧急减赤预案中,已经全面地回顾...

2022-02-16   British English
Japan and Global Supply Chain


Business. Japan and globe supply chain. Broken links. The disruption to manufacturers worldwide from Japan’s disasters will force a rethink of how they manage production LAST year Iceland’s volc...

商业 日本和全球供应链 断裂的链条 日本地震灾难所造成的世界范围内制造商的崩溃迫使人们重新思考管理生产的方法 去年冰岛的火山灰扰乱了整个欧洲的航空运输,为世界制造供应链自低库存和及时成产时代以来提供一个最大的考验。 现在,日本的...

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