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2024-10-01   British English
The Fed, Cautious about Cutting Rates, Part One


Perhaps it was always too good to be true. The big economic story of 2023 was the seemingly painless disinflation in America, with consumer-price pressures receding even as growth remained resilien...


2024-09-29   British English
AI may Drive a Boom in Musical Creativity, Part Two


LifeScore, says Tom Gruber, a co-founder, is "literally swamped with requests" from clients including Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group. An original release is typically turn...

联合创始人汤姆·格鲁伯表示,LifeScore被索尼音乐、环球音乐集团和华纳音乐集团等客户的请求淹没,不堪重负。原始曲目通常会混几次到十几次音。但一位客户打算发布一首原创曲目的6000多个AI版本,每个版本都针对不同的市场,令人眼花缭乱。 ...

2024-09-27   British English
AI may Drive a Boom in Musical Creativity, Part One


In the dystopia of George Orwell's novel "1984", Big Brother numbs the masses with the help of a "versificator", a machine designed to automatically generate the lyrics to popular tunes, thereby riddi...

乔治·奥威尔的小说《1984》以反乌托邦世界为背景,其中的“老大哥”通过“诗化器”麻痹大众(“诗化器”是一种自动生成流行歌曲歌词的机器),从而抹杀了人类的创造力。 如今,许多人工智能(AI)模型都在大量生成粗制滥造的音乐,有些是免费的...

2024-09-25   British English
Japan Ends the Monetary-policy Experiment, Part 2


The missing piece of the puzzle had been wages. Last year annual wage negotiations produced gains of 3.8%, the highest in three decades. But wage growth still trailed inflation, leaving real inc...


2024-09-23   British English
Japan Ends the Monetary-policy Experiment, Part 1


Finance and economics. Fighting inflation. Interesting times. Japan ends the world's greatest monetary-policy experiment. On March 19th officials at the Bank of Japan (BOJ) announced that, wit...

财经 抗击通胀 有趣的利率时代 日本结束了世界上最大型的货币政策实验。 3月19日,日本央行的官员宣布,随着2%的可保持通胀率“近在眼前”,将取消一系列旨在将经济从通货紧缩的低迷状态中拉出来的措施,这标志着一项激进实验的结束...

2024-09-21   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 2


To help overcome situations like this, it helps to have independent third parties who are able to adjudicate quality. It is often easier to sell a used car to a mechanic or a dealer, for instance, ...

为了解决这样的情况,有能够评判质量的独立第三方是有帮助的。例如,将一辆二手车卖给机械师或经销商往往更容易,他们之后能向不太懂车的买家提供担保。 许多奢侈品牌在出售手提包时会提供保真卡,这样顾客就可以证明他们购买的包是真的。检查这种和其...

2024-09-19   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 1


Finance and economics. Free exchange. I love your bag! Thanks, it's a lemon. An economist's guide to the luxury-handbag market. You could spot a fake a mile off. The plasticky "Prado" wallets...

财经 自由交换 我喜欢你的包包! 谢谢,这是个柠檬包。 一位经济学家对奢侈手提包市场的指南。 曾经你在一英里开外就能认出假货。在纽约坚尼街两旁的人行道上,摆放在床单上的塑料“普拉多”钱包与苏豪区普拉达专卖店出售的钱包只...

2024-09-17   British English
The Problem of Passing on Tacit Knowledge, Part 2


There it remained until 2005, when the firm started to wonder whether mobile phones might provide a use for Chemcor, which was renamed Gorilla Glass. In 2007 the boss of Corning took a call from St...

直到2005年,该公司开始思考,手机是否可以为Chemcor提供用处,并将这种玻璃改名为“大猩猩玻璃”。2007年,康宁的老板接到了史蒂夫·乔布斯的电话,当时乔布斯正在为新的智能手机寻找合适的玻璃。 可以想见,从此在康宁没有人会质疑做...

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