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2024-12-04   British English
A Return to Wind Power Helps to Meet Emission Targets, Part 2


Rather than sticking to set schedules, voyages could be planned along routes with the most favourable winds, much as they used to be in the age of sail. This might mean non-perishable goods take a ...

航行可以沿着最有利的风向进行规划,就像过去的航海时代一样,而不是遵守既定的时间表。这可能意味着不易腐烂的货物需要更长时间才能到达,但托运人将获得更低的碳足迹。 其他旧观念正在复兴。1985年,另一艘不寻常的船驶入纽约。这就是Alcyo...

2024-12-02   British English
A Return to Wind Power Helps to Meet Emission Targets, Part 1


A return to wind power will help shipowners meet emission targets. In 1926 an unusual vessel arrived in New York after crossing the Atlantic. This was a converted sailing ship renamed Baden-Baden. ...

恢复风力发电将有助于船东实现排放目标。 1926年,一艘不寻常的船只横渡大西洋抵达纽约。这是一艘经过改装的帆船,更名为巴登-巴登号。它的两根桅杆已被拆除,甲板上安装了一对15米高的旋转气缸。这种气缸被称为弗莱特纳转子,以德国发明家安东...

2024-11-30   British English
Crops Spraying Methods Employing AI, Part 2


The company was set up by Kripa Varanasi and Vishnu Jayaprakash in 2020 to commercialise a new type of spray nozzle. The problem, says Dr Varanasi, an expert in the behaviour of liquids, was that t...

该公司由克里帕·瓦拉纳西和毗湿奴·贾亚普拉卡什于2020年成立,旨在将新型喷嘴商业化。液体行为专家瓦拉纳西博士说,问题在于他们需要将喷嘴的性能与现有技术的性能进行比较。 由于此类数据几乎不存在,他们开始自己收集。贾亚普拉卡什博士在印度...

2024-11-28   British English
Crops Spraying Methods Employing AI, Part 1


The world is awash in pesticides. Fully 3m tonnes are thought to be sprayed onto crops worldwide every year, of which only a small fraction are needed. The excess chemicals are known to run off ont...

世界上充斥着农药。全世界每年向农作物喷洒的农药达300万吨,但实际需要的只是其中的一小部分。众所周知,过量的化学物质会渗入日益脆弱的土地,渗入水道,破坏环境,影响健康。农用化学品的使用持续增长:根据大型研究集团S&P Global Comm...

2024-11-26   British English
Gossip in the Workplace


Business. Bartleby. Gossip in the workplace. Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo? Gossip is everywhere. On one estimate, from Megan Robbins and Alexander Karan of Univer...

商业 巴托比 职场八卦 嘘!想读点关于流言蜚语的文章吗? 八卦无处不在。根据加州大学河滨分校的梅根·罗宾斯和亚历山大·卡兰的估计,人们平均每天花52分钟谈论别人。 职场中到处都是八卦。你可以在同事之间的聊天中听到八卦,...

2024-11-24   British English
Al Can be Used for Producing Disinformation


When it comes to disinformation, "social media took the cost of distribution to zero, and generative AI takes the cost of generation to zero," says Renee DiResta of the Stanford Internet Observatory. ...

斯坦福大学网络观察室的蕾妮·迪雷斯塔表示,当谈到虚假信息时,“社交媒体将传播成本降至零,而生成式人工智能则将生成成本降至零”。GPT-4 等大语言模型很容易生成大量误导性新闻文章或社交媒体帖子。 人工智能可以生成的不仅仅是文本。使用人...

2024-11-22   British English
The Drawbacks and Benefits of Being Alone, Part 2


For "Solitude" Netta Weinstein and Thuy-vy Nguyen, two psychology professors, have teamed up with Heather Hansen, a science journalist, to ponder the rewards of time spent alone. They begin with an...

在《孤独》中,两位心理学教授奈塔·韦恩斯坦和阮翠薇与科学记者希瑟·汉森合作,思考了独处的好处。他们首先讲述了散文家米歇尔·德·蒙田和画家爱德华·霍珀等人物创造的孤独神话。然后,他们用实验室研究、采访和调查来阐明独处如何影响人类心理。 ...

2024-11-20   British English
The Drawbacks and Benefits of Being Alone, Part 1


Culture. Book review. Loneliness. All by myself. Three books examine the drawbacks and benefits of being alone. All the Lonely People. By Sam Carr. Solitude. By Netta Weinstein, Heather Hansen a...

文艺 书评 孤独 独身一人 三本书探究了孤独的好处和坏处。 《所有孤独的人》,萨姆·卡尔着。 《孤独》,奈塔·韦恩斯坦、希瑟·汉森、阮翠薇着。 《拖鞋的胜利》,帕斯卡尔·布鲁克纳着,科里·斯托克威尔译。 伟...

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