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2021-11-30   Pre-Intermediate
Healthcare & Radio


Carlos was ready to kill himself. Could life become any worse? First, he had a bad accident. It damaged one eye. Then a cataract developed in the other eye. In a cataract, the clear lens at the front ...


2021-11-28   Pre-Intermediate
Children's Writer Jean Craighead George


We remember the much-loved children's writer Jean Craighead George.We also tell about a pop1ular horse race in Virginia.And we play new music by Beach House.(MUSIC)A well-loved children's book writer ...

我们记得深受喜爱的儿童作家 Jean Craighead George。我们还讲述了弗吉尼亚州的一场流行赛马。我们播放 Beach House 的新音乐。(音乐)一位深受喜爱的儿童读物作家去世了。让·克雷格黑德·乔治 (Jean Craig...

2021-11-26   Pre-Intermediate
Clean Drinking Water


The sun beats down. It is a hot dry day. A man is working in a field. It is tiring work - the ground is hard and difficult to dig. He stops for a short time. His body is suffering. He has lost a lot o...

太阳落下。这是一个炎热干燥的日子。一个人在田里干活。这是一项累人的工作 - 地面坚硬且难以挖掘。他停了一会儿。他的身体在受苦。他的皮肤流失了很多水分。现在他脱水了。他需要喝一杯。他站在附近的一棵树下。他找到他的水瓶,把它举到嘴边。他深深地吞...

2021-11-24   Pre-Intermediate
Truman Capote Who Invented the Nonfiction Novel


Truman Capote, one of America's most famous modern writers.He invented a new kind of book called the nonfiction novel.This literary form combined factual reporting with the imaginary possibilities of ...

杜鲁门·卡波特(Truman Capote),美国最着名的现代作家之一。他发明了一种叫做非虚构小说的新书。这种文学形式将事实报道与讲故事的想象可能性相结合。卡波特的写作能力和狂野的个性引起了全世界人们的兴趣。(音乐)杜鲁门·卡波特 (Tru...

2021-11-22   Pre-Intermediate
Abandoned Children


Tanya is a three and a half year old girl. She has never played with another child. She has only been outside one or two times in her whole life. Masha is six. She is quiet, but kind. She has light...

Tanya 是一个三岁半的女孩。她从来没有和别的孩子一起玩过。她一生中只出门一两次。 玛莎 6 岁。她很安静,但很善良。她有一头浅金色的头发和一双蓝色的大眼睛。 Dima 是一个非常害羞和安静的五岁孩子。他和他的弟弟独自在医院度...

2021-11-20   Pre-Intermediate
Thinker & Artist - Leonardo da Vinci


Today, we tell about one of the greatest thinkers in the world,Leonardo da Vinci.He began his career as an artist.But his interest in the world around him drove him to study music, math, science, engi...

今天,我们来谈谈世界上最伟大的思想家之一莱昂纳多·达·芬奇。但他对周围世界的兴趣驱使他学习音乐、数学、科学、工程和建筑设计。他的许多想法和发明都领先于他的时代几个世纪。(音乐)我们从列奥纳多·达·芬奇 (Leonardo da Vinci)...

2021-11-18   Pre-Intermediate
Trusting Your Memory


Paul Doherty is a writer from the United States. He describes a memory for us. “I, my friend Martin, and a small group were climbing in the mountains. We climbed with two ropes. Martin and I climbe...

保罗·多尔蒂 (Paul Doherty) 是一位来自美国的作家。他为我们描述了一段回忆。 “我、我的朋友 Martin 和一小群人正在山上爬山。我们用两根绳子攀爬。马丁和我用第一根绳子攀登。我们已经到达了山的最高点。我们可以看到一场...

2021-11-16   Pre-Intermediate
Isaac Newton & Modern Science


Today we tell about one of the world's greatest scientists,Isaac Newton.(MUSIC)Much of today's science of physics is based on Newton's discovery of the three laws of motion and his theory of gravity.N...

今天我们来谈谈世界上最伟大的科学家之一艾萨克·牛顿。(音乐)今天的大部分物理学都是基于牛顿发现的三个运动定律和他的万有引力理论。牛顿还开发了最强大的数学工具之一。这就是我们称之为 calculus 的方法。牛顿在晚年谈到他的工作时说:“如果...

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