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2021-11-16   Pre-Intermediate
Isaac Newton & Modern Science


Today we tell about one of the world's greatest scientists,Isaac Newton.(MUSIC)Much of today's science of physics is based on Newton's discovery of the three laws of motion and his theory of gravity.N...

今天我们来谈谈世界上最伟大的科学家之一艾萨克·牛顿。(音乐)今天的大部分物理学都是基于牛顿发现的三个运动定律和他的万有引力理论。牛顿还开发了最强大的数学工具之一。这就是我们称之为 calculus 的方法。牛顿在晚年谈到他的工作时说:“如果...

2021-11-14   Pre-Intermediate
Defending Yourself Against Attacks


It was a beautiful day in August 1990. Jenna was walking home from work. A man in a mask began to walk behind her. The mask covered his whole head. The man attacked Jenna. He pulled her to the ground....

1990 年 8 月,那是一个美好的日子。珍娜下班走在回家的路上。一个戴着面具的男人开始在她身后走来。面具遮住了他的整个头。该男子袭击了珍娜。他把她拉到地上。他试图强奸她。他试图强迫珍娜与他发生性关系。“别动!安静点!珍娜与袭击她的人战斗。...

2021-11-12   Pre-Intermediate
The Performer Lucille Ball


Today, we tell about the much-loved performer Lucille Ball.Her famous television series "I Love Lucy" was first broadcast in nineteen fifty-one.(MUSIC)The "I Love Lucy" show was a huge success.It was ...

今天,我们来谈谈备受喜爱的表演者露西尔·鲍尔,她着名的电视连续剧《我爱露西》于 1951 年首次播出。(音乐)“我爱露西”节目取得了巨大的成功。这是 19 世纪 50 年代最受欢迎的电视节目。鲍尔女士帮助开发的那种电视节目被称为情景喜剧。一...

2021-11-10   Pre-Intermediate
The Women of Juarez


Claudia Ivette González was twenty years old. She worked in a factory. One morning, in October 2001, she arrived at her job. This particular day she arrived at the factory four minutes late. Her manag...

Claudia Ivette González 当时 20 岁。她在一家工厂工作。2001 年 10 月的一个早晨,她来到了自己的工作地点。这天她到工厂晚了四分钟。那天,她的经理拒绝让她工作。她很伤心,但转身走回家了。那天,克劳迪娅消失了。...

2021-11-08   Pre-Intermediate
The Exact Science of Matrimony


(MUSIC)Jeff Peters and Andy Tucker could never be trusted.One day, the two men decided to open a marriage business to make some quick and easy money.The first thing they did was to write an advertisem...

(音乐)杰夫·彼得斯 (Jeff Peters) 和安迪·塔克 (Andy Tucker) 永远不值得信任。有一天,这两个男人决定开一家婚纱店,赚点快钱。他们做的第一件事就是写一则广告,在报纸上刊登。他们的广告是这样的:“一个迷人的寡妇,美...

2021-11-06   Pre-Intermediate
City Destroyed


On the 13th of February 1944, British and American airplanes bombed the beautiful city of Dresden in Germany. There was a terrible fire. Over thirty thousand [30,000] people were killed. They died in ...

1944 年 2 月 13 日,英国和美国的飞机轰炸了德国美丽的德累斯顿市。发生了一场可怕的火灾。超过 3 万人丧生。他们在巨大的痛苦中死去——在地下的房间里缺乏空气,被火烧成灰烬,或者被高温所征服。城里有很多难民。他们也被杀害了。 ...

2021-11-04   Pre-Intermediate
Grand Canyon - One of the Nature's Wonders


Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is America's longest-running circus company.It began performances in the early eighteen nineties and calls itself "The Greatest Show on Earth." More than a...

Ringling Brothers和Barnum & Bailey Circus是美国历史最悠久的马戏团公司。它于 18 世纪 90 年代初开始演出,自称“地球上最伟大的表演”。一个多世纪后,该公司延续了早期马戏团的许多传统。其中一项传统是...

2021-11-02   Pre-Intermediate
AIDS - The Family


A young child sits by the roadside. Her small hands rest in the dry dirt. She lifts the grains and watches them fall through her fingers. In her mind she can hear her mother’s voice calling her. In he...


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