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2022-01-19   Pre-Intermediate
Barbara McClintock - One of the Most Important Scientists of the 21th Century


Barbara McClintock,She was one of the most important scientists of the twentieth century.She made important discoveries about genes and chromosomes.Barbara McClintock was born in nineteen-oh-two in Ha...

芭芭拉·麦克林托克,她是 20 世纪最重要的科学家之一。她对基因和染色体有了重要的发现。芭芭拉·麦克林托克 (Barbara McClintock) 于 19 世纪 2 日出生于康涅狄格州哈特福德 (Hartford),芭芭拉 (Barba...

2022-01-17   Pre-Intermediate
Special People


Some scientists are studying something very strange. It is something they have never seen before. They are studying five young adults who cannot walk upright. They bend over and use their hands and th...

一些科学家正在研究一些非常奇怪的东西。这是他们以前从未见过的。他们正在研究五名无法直立行走的年轻人。他们弯下腰,用手和脚来移动。科学家们想找出为什么这些人不能站直。一些科学家认为他们生病了。其他科学家有不同的理论。 这五个人是 Ula...

2022-01-15   Pre-Intermediate
Here It Comes, There It Goes - Written by Margaret Haggard


I never thought that my clock,my beautiful old clock would make the town laugh at me,but it did.One day,two strangers came in and sat down."Welcome to my hotel," I said,and told them what they could h...


2022-01-13   Pre-Intermediate
Rugby World Cup 2007


England, 1823. Some boys are playing football. They run around the grass next to some large red stone buildings. This is one of the most famous schools in the country - Rugby School. One of the boys t...

英格兰,1823 年。一些男孩在踢足球。他们在一些大型红石建筑旁边的草地上跑来跑去。这是该国最着名的学校之一 - 橄榄球学校。其中一个男孩把球抱在怀里。他没有像他应该的那样用脚踢球。他向前跑向球门。其他男孩对他大喊大叫——他们让他停下来。但...

2022-01-11   Pre-Intermediate
Girl Scouts Celebrated Birthday on the National Mall


We also play some break-up songs that you wrote to say were your favorites.But first,we visit with some American Girl Scouts celebrating the hundredth anniversary of their organization.(MUSIC)Girl Sco...

我们还播放了一些你写的分手歌,说你最喜欢的歌。但首先,我们拜访了一些庆祝其组织成立 100 周年的美国女童子军。(音乐)上周末,来自美国各地的女童子军齐聚华盛顿,庆祝该组织成立 100 周年。组织者表示,超过 20 万人参加了庆祝活动。每个...

2022-01-09   Pre-Intermediate
Elie Wiesel


“Let us remember, let us remember the heroes of Warsaw, the people who died for their beliefs at Treblinka, the children of Auschwitz. They fought alone, they suffered alone, they lived alone, but the...

“让我们记住,让我们记住华沙的英雄们,在特雷布林卡为信仰而牺牲的人们,奥斯威辛集中营的孩子们。他们孤军奋战,孤军奋战,孤军奋战,但他们并没有孤独地死去,因为我们所有人的某个东西都与他们一起死去。 这些话属于 Elie Wiesel。他...

2022-01-07   Pre-Intermediate
The Indiana Dunes


Today we visit the Indiana Dunes.These hills of sand are near Chicago,Illinois.They rise on the shores of Lake Michigan,one of America's five Great Lakes.(MUSIC)More than two million people visit the ...

今天我们参观印第安纳沙丘,这些沙丘位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥附近,它们耸立在美国五大湖之一的密歇根湖岸边。(音乐)每年有超过 200 万人参观中西部印第安纳州的沙丘。密歇根湖沿岸的风在古代创造了其中一些沙丘。其他沙丘现在可能正在建造。当风将松散的...

2022-01-05   Pre-Intermediate
Suicide Help


Forty [40] percent of Japan’s population uses the Internet. In fact, Japan is one of the world’s most wired Internet–using nations. Many people find friends on the Internet. But some of these friendsh...

40% 的日本人口使用互联网。事实上,日本是世界上互联网使用最多的国家之一。许多人在网上找到朋友。但事实证明,其中一些友谊是危险的。一些日本人正在使用互联网寻找可以一起死去的人。 2006 年 3 月,日本警方发现了 8 名年轻人的尸...

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