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2022-04-05   Pre-Intermediate
US Upheld Healthcare Law


In early twenty-ten, Congress approved -- and [Former]President Obama signed into law -- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.The law came to be known as "Obamacare." It is the most importan...

20 年初,国会批准了 -- [前] 奥巴马总统签署了 -- 《患者保护与平价医疗法案》。这是奥巴马政府最重要的立法优先事项。该法律旨在帮助美国人应对不断上涨的医疗保健费用以及许多美国人在医疗保健方面经常遇到的严重财务问题。法律中是所谓的“...

2022-04-03   Pre-Intermediate
Beating Heart Transplant


Richard Taylor was enjoying life. He loved his sport of in-line skating. Racing at great speeds was fun. It was something that Richard was good at. In fact he was so good that he became the UK champio...

理查德·泰勒 (Richard Taylor) 正在享受生活。他热爱他的直排轮滑运动。以极快的速度比赛很有趣。这是理查德擅长的事情。事实上,他非常出色,以至于他成为了英国冠军。许多人对他的未来寄予厚望。 但理查德从未实现这些希望。理查...

2022-04-01   Pre-Intermediate
STORIES - ‘Judge’ - Part Two


When Charley hastily died,he left a wife and nine children.They lived on a small piece of land and a house with 4 rooms.Since John was the oldest boy.His mother told him he would have to take care of ...

查理匆忙去世后,他留下了妻子和九个孩子。他们住在一小块土地和一栋有 4 个房间的房子上。因为约翰是最大的男孩。他的母亲告诉他,他必须照顾这个家庭。他 16 岁,约翰去找镇上最富有的托内法官,为托内法官从约翰的父亲那里买的一些玉米收了一美元。...

2022-03-30   Pre-Intermediate
Remembered Princess Diana


We tell of the memorial service. We remember the life of the princess. We tell of the aid organizations that she supported. Is progress still being made? Is her life’s work continuing? On the thirt...

我们讲述了追悼会。我们记住了公主的一生。我们讲述了她支持的援助组织。进展仍在进行中吗?她毕生的工作还在继续吗? 2007 年 8 月 31 日,500 人抵达伦敦卫兵教堂参加特别追悼会。他们中的许多人对戴安娜很重要。他们是她的朋友和家...

2022-03-28   Pre-Intermediate
Boxer Rau'shee Warren


Rau’shee Warren is set to make history at the London Olympic games.By competing,he will become the first American boxer to be a three-time Olympian.He failed to win medals when he fought at Athens and...

Rau'shee Warren 将在伦敦奥运会上创造历史。通过比赛,他将成为第一位三届奥运会的美国拳击手,他在雅典和北京的比赛中未能赢得奖牌,但正如我们从 Faith Lapidus 那里听到的那样,这位拳击手说这次会有所不同。Rau'sh...

2022-03-26   Pre-Intermediate


“We travelled about five thousand million [5,000,000,000] kilometres in space. We visited a comet. We took pieces of it. And they landed on Earth this morning.” “I fully expect school books in the ...

“我们在太空中旅行了大约 5 亿 [5,000,000,000] 公里。我们参观了一颗彗星。我们把它拿走了。他们今天早上降落在地球上。 “我完全相信未来的教科书会从今天早上到达这里的样本中获得很多新信息。” 2006 年 1 月...

2022-03-24   Pre-Intermediate
Man First Walked on the Surface of the Moon


On a cold October day in nineteen fifty-seven, the Soviet Union launched a small satellite into orbit around the Earth.Radio Moscow made the announcement."The first artificial Earth satellite in the w...

在 1957 年 10 月的一个寒冷的日子,苏联将一颗小型卫星发射到环绕地球的轨道上。世界上第一颗人造地球卫星现已诞生。第一颗卫星今天在苏联成功发射。世界上第一颗卫星被称为 Sputnik 1。人造卫星是苏联在与美国的冷战中取得的重要宣传胜...

2022-03-22   Pre-Intermediate
Lorenzo’s Oil


Lorenzo Odone ran around the school playground. He was five [5] years old. He was having fun. Lorenzo was an intelligent and lively child. He was able to speak three languages. He knew a lot about the...

洛伦佐·奥多内 (Lorenzo Odone) 在学校操场上跑来跑去。他当时五 [5] 岁。他玩得很开心。Lorenzo 是一个聪明活泼的孩子。他会说三种语言。对于他这个年龄来说,他对世界了解很多。他在东非的科摩罗群岛度过了三年的人生。现在...

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