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2022-04-25   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - The Riverman


I first met him in a small lumber town; I was sitting in front of a hotel watching people pass by.It was a warm day,now and then a group of laughing rivermen marched by.One group especially caught my ...


2022-04-23   Pre-Intermediate
Crop Diversity


The air we breathe. The water we drink. The foods we eat. These are the most important resources for human life. They are things we need to protect. We can keep the air clean in many different ways...

我们呼吸的空气。我们喝的水。我们吃的食物。这些是人类生活最重要的资源。它们是我们需要保护的东西。 我们可以通过多种不同的方式保持空气清洁。例如,我们可以减少煤炭和石油的燃烧。它们污染了空气。 我们也可以保持供水清洁。我们可以减少...

2022-04-21   Pre-Intermediate
Singing and Healthy Aging


Over ten years ago,America's National Endowment for the Arts began to study creativity and aging.The NEA,the National Institutes of Health and four other programs launched the Creativity and Aging stu...

十多年前,美国国家艺术基金会开始研究创造力和衰老。NEA、美国国立卫生研究院和其他四个项目启动了创造力和老龄化研究。它研究了参与式艺术项目对老年人身心健康的影响。该研究在包括华盛顿特区在内的全国三个地区进行,来自华盛顿地区的 100 多名老...

2022-04-19   Pre-Intermediate


Trick or treat! Every October thirty-first [31st] children all across America do something unusual. They put on strange clothes. They may even paint their faces to look like someone different. They...

不给甜头就有好看的! 每年 10 月 31 日 [31 日] 美国各地的孩子们都会做一些不寻常的事情。他们穿上奇怪的衣服。他们甚至可能会把自己的脸画得像不同的人。他们走到不同的房子里。他们敲了敲房子的门。然后他们要求一份甜蜜的糖果! ...

2022-04-17   Pre-Intermediate
Social Revolution in the 1960s of the US


The nineteen sixties began with the election of the first president born in the twentieth century,John Kennedy.For many Americans,the young president was the symbol of a spirit of hope for the nation....

19 世纪 60 年代始于 20 世纪出生的第一位总统约翰·肯尼迪 (John Kennedy) 的当选。当肯尼迪在 1963 年被谋杀时,许多人觉得他们的希望也破灭了。对于年轻人以及少数群体的成员和支持者来说尤其如此。一个纯真和希望的时代...

2022-04-15   Pre-Intermediate
Joey Cheek


What would you do? What would you do if you won an Olympic gold medal? How would you celebrate? What would you do with your new popularity? What would you do with the money you won? Joey Cheek i...

你会怎么做? 如果你赢得了奥运金牌,你会怎么做?你会如何庆祝?你会怎么利用你的新人气?你会用你赢来的钱做什么? 乔伊·奇克 (Joey Cheek) 是一名奥林匹克运动员或运动员。在 2006 年冬奥会上,乔伊为美国赢得了一枚金...

2022-04-13   Pre-Intermediate
Exercise Alone is not Enough If Your Goal is to Lose Weight


Exercise is important if you want to get in good shape.But experts say exercise alone is not enough if your goal is to lose weight.(MUSIC)It is that time of year again! Warm weather has returned to Ea...


2022-04-11   Pre-Intermediate
Sense of Touch


It was a light summer evening. The air was fresh and warm. King Midas decided to go for a walk in the green gardens. He was thinking about his money. He always thought about his money! He would count ...


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