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2022-06-10   Pre-Intermediate
How a Person Reacts to Sound


Imagine you are walking by the sea. You feel the soft white sand under your feet. You breathe in the fresh sea air. The sounds of nature make you feel peaceful. But then ... A group of young people...

想象一下你走在海边。你感觉到脚下柔软的白色沙滩。您呼吸着新鲜的海洋空气。大自然的声音让您感到宁静。但随后...... 一群年轻人来了。他们坐在你附近。他们随身携带了响亮的音乐播放器。突然间,这个地方感觉非常不同。一切看起来还是一样的。...

2022-06-08   Pre-Intermediate
'Point and Shoot' Photography


Have you wondered,as you take a picture with your camera phone and e-mail it to a friend,what "point and shoot" photography was like years ago? It was called a Brownie Hawkeye.It was manufactured by K...

当您用照相手机拍照并通过电子邮件发送给朋友时,您是否想过几年前的“傻瓜相机”摄影是什么样的?它被称为布朗尼 Hawkeye.It 由柯达制造,从 19 49 年到 19 61 年,数百万人开始摄影,俯视着它的取景器,为爸爸妈妈、家里的猫、新...

2022-06-06   Pre-Intermediate
Stopping Racist Chants at Sports Games


In November, 2004, Spanish and English football teams competed in a friendly in Madrid, Spain. The English team included a few black men. At one point during the game, some Spanish team supporters beg...

2004 年 11 月,西班牙和英格兰足球队在西班牙马德里进行了一场友谊赛。英国队包括一些黑人。在比赛的某个时刻,一些西班牙队的支持者开始对黑人球员发出声音。他们像猴子一样发出声音。猴子是看起来有点像人的动物。人群高呼并大喊对英格兰队的其他...

2022-06-04   Pre-Intermediate
The ‘Reagan Revolution’


The months before Election Day in November of nineteen eighty were difficult for President Jimmy Carter.Many Americans blamed the Democrat for the nation's economic problems,including high inflation a...

1980 年 11 月选举日的前几个月对吉米·卡特总统来说是艰难的,许多美国人将国家的经济问题归咎于民主党,包括高通货膨胀和高失业率。许多人还指责他没有让在伊朗的 52 名人质获释。大约一年前,穆斯林极端分子占领了美国驻德黑兰大使馆,并将美...

2022-06-02   Pre-Intermediate
An Aid Group in Uganda Called Watoto


‘Leadership makes or breaks the efforts that people make against AIDS.’ Leadership - being good at leading - is the main idea for World AIDS Day 2007, and the theme for the coming year. World AIDS ...

“领导力决定着人们抗击艾滋病的努力的成败。” 领导力 - 善于领导 - 是 2007 年世界艾滋病日的主要理念,也是来年的主题。12 月 1 日是世界艾滋病日。组织者希望教授良好的领导如何帮助实现世界艾滋病运动的总体目标——即“阻止艾...

2022-05-31   Pre-Intermediate
The International AIDS Conference


The International AIDS Conference is the world's top event for people working on the issue of HIV,for those living with HIV,and for those affected by it.The conference is held every two years.But this...

国际艾滋病大会是全世界致力于 HIV 问题的人、HIV 感染者和受其影响的人的顶级活动。该会议每两年举行一次。但今年的活动很特别。这是美国22年来首次举办国际艾滋病大会。国际艾滋病协会组织了这次会议,也称为艾滋病 2012.It 在奥巴马总...

2022-05-29   Pre-Intermediate
Darfur, Sudan


Darfur, Sudan. The name means, ‘the land of the Fur’. It is a large dry area in the west of Africa’s largest country. And it is an area of serious conflict. The conflict started there in 2003. It bega...

苏丹达尔富尔。这个名字的意思是“毛皮之地”。它是非洲最大国家西部的大片干旱地区。这是一个存在严重冲突的领域。冲突始于 2003 年。它始于对土地和种族差异的动荡。一些团体声称有权获得土地进行耕作。另一个种族想要这片土地来饲养动物。苏丹政府支...

2022-05-27   Pre-Intermediate
Black Hole Hunter


Scientists believe black holes lie at the center of every huge galaxy,including our own Milky Way galaxy.The gravitational power of black holes is so strong that not even light can escape from them.As...

科学家们认为,黑洞位于每个巨大星系的中心,包括我们自己的银河系。黑洞的引力如此强大,以至于连光都无法从中逃脱。当气体、尘埃和恒星被拉入黑洞时,物质移动得更快并升温。此操作会产生非常强大的 X 射线发射。科学家们计划使用 NuSTAR 来搜索...

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